Chapter 24

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"You seem excited," Lettie says. 

"That's because I am," Virgil says with a smile. 

"You really missed your family huh?" she asks. "Of course. They mean everything to me," he tells her. 

"Alright. We better head out and get them then. They'll be landing soon," she tells him. 

"Let's go," he says. They leave his house where he's been staying for the past week. They climb into the SUV that will temporarily be Virgil's once he gets his license. 

"We're not all going to fit in here? Are we going to make two trips?" he asks. 

"Don't worry. A friend of mine will be helping bring them back to your house. She's also going to be helping me with the other residents when they arrive," she explains. 

"Oh cool," Virgil says. Lettie starts up the car and starts the drive to the airport. As they drive Lettie turns the radio on low so they can still talk.

"So did you do any decorating yet? In your house I mean," Lettie asks. 

"No. I wanted to wait for my family so we could figure out what to get together," Virgil responds. 

"You haven't gotten anything yet? What about beds?" she asks him. 

"Not even beds. Part of me wanted to get stuff and surprise everyone but I honestly didn't know what to get. Let alone if something is too expensive. I know I don't have to worry about money but I still didn't want to waste it on stuff we don't want or need. I only got a few necessities I needed to stay there," he explains.

"So you haven't bought anything else with your money yet?" she wonders. 

"Well. I did get one thing. I've always wanted it and I didn't like how quiet staying in the house at night was so I bought it," he says and pulls out an MP3 player with earphones. 

"Serena let me use her laptop to put music on it," he adds. 

"Nice. What kind of music did you put on it?" she asks. 

"Everything she had in her library. I don't know any bands or stuff like that. I just asked her to give me what she liked since I had heard a bit of her music taste and I liked it," he says.

"I see. If you'd like I can give you some music recommendations. I have some music I'm sure you'd like," Lettie says. 

"That'd be awesome. Thanks," Virgil says back. 

"Sure. Just leave it with me when you want to and I'll bring it back once I've added the music," she says. 

"Okay," he says. 

"We're here," she says as she pulls to a stop. 

"When do they land?" he asks. 

"That's them there," she says as she points to the sky in front of them from inside the car. Virgil turns to see a plane in the distance. He smiles softly before turning to Lettie who says his name. 

"Here. Listen to this," she says as she pulls out her own MP3 player. She plugs her MP3 player into the car and plays a song. Virgil listens closely to the words and the beat. 

"I like that," he says when the song finishes. 

"I thought you would," she says with a smile. "Ahh. Looks like they're landing," she adds when she looks up. Virgil looks up as well.

A few minutes later the jet lands and the passengers start getting off. Virgil gets out of the car and stands next to it. Damien is the first one off. Then Tara followed by Patton, Logan, Remus, Janus and lastly Roman. They each have a bag with their stuff. 

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