Chapter 19

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The next morning both Roman and Virgil sleep through his watch's alarm. 

"Should we wake them?" Janus asks his friends and boyfriend. All the other recruits have been awake for half an hour. 

"I heard them get up last night. They must still be tired," Logan says. 

"Both of them got up?" Remus asks. Logan nods. 

"Really? Interesting. I wonder what those two could have possibly been doing while everyone was sleeping," Janus says with amusement. 

"First off. Get your mind out of the gutter. Secondly I'm wide awake now," Roman says as he tries to get up but Virgil's holding on. 

"Did something happen last night? He seems pretty tired," Tara asks. Roman looks down at Virgil who's in a deep sleep. 

"He woke up last night. When he didn't come back after a couple minutes I went searching for him. He was crying in the kitchen," Roman explains quietly. 

"Why?" Patton asks with worry. 

"He had a dream about the day I was taken. He was blaming himself again," Roman tells his friends. They all look at Virgil sadly. They always hated when Virgil insisted that what happened was his fault.

"It took a bit to calm him down," Roman says. 

"I'd imagine. We all love you but after you were taken I think it hit Virgil the hardest," Remus says. 

"I agree. He seemed completely heartbroken when he came back from the market that day," Logan adds. Roman looks down at his boyfriend. 

"It hurt," Roman admits. He looks back at his friends. "Leaving him that day. Practically knowing that I may never see him again. Any of you again," he reiterates. 

"Well you're back. You're also never allowed to be taken again," Tara tells him. He smiles and nods. Virgil stirring gets all of their attention. They wait only a moment before Virgil opens his eyes. 

"Why are you all staring at me? It's creeping me out," he says as he sits up. 

"You slept past your alarm," Tara tells him. 

"And? That doesn't explain why you're all staring at me," he says, standing up. 

"We were deciding whether or not we should pour water on you to wake you up," Janus says with a smirk.

"You wouldn't dare," Virgil says. 

"Maybe not this time," Remus says. 

"Yeah. Who knows what we'll do next time you sleep this long?" Tara adds. Virgil narrows his eyes at them. 

"If you want to go flying for a bit go on ahead," he says. 

"No thanks," Janus says as he puts his hands up in surrender. Virgil smirks at him. 

"I'm awake now," he says when they don't leave. That gets them to turn and head off to the training room. Roman walks over to his bed and gets his toiletries. 

"Did you just wake up too?" Virgil asks him. "Kind of. You were determined to not let me go when I woke up," Roman says with a grin. Virgil's face heats up slightly. 

"Come on," he says and walks out of the sleeping quarters. When they're done they put their stuff back and then join their friends

A few hours pass when the entrance/exit door opens up. In walks Isaiah with Parker. 

"Virgil, Patton, Remus, Roman and Max," Parker calls out. Everyone who was called looks up. 

"We'll be back," Remus says as he, Roman, Virgil and Patton stand up. Max stands from where he's sitting as well. They all walk over to Isaiah and Parker. 

Supers of Arcantia - Sanders SidesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora