Chapter 21

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The next morning Roman, Logan, Tara, Patton, Remus and Janus all happen to return within a few minutes of each other. 

"Man. That job took forever. Hopefully Virgil is up already," Roman says to his friends and brother. 

"It's about 9am so I'm sure he is," Logan tells him. 

"I still can't believe Damien won't let Virgil go on any jobs anymore. We could've really used his help," Janus says as they head down to the basement. Remus moves the cabinet and Patton puts in the code. The six of them walk downstairs and enter through the second door, into the bunker. 

"Hmm. I don't see him," Tara says as they enter. 

"Maybe he's in the shower? Or still sleeping?" Patton suggests. They walk further in and Damien runs up to them. 

"Good. You guys are back," Damien says. 

"What's wrong? You look upset," Roman points out.

"It's about Virgil," Damien says. 

"What about him?" Remus says. Damien opens his mouth to say something but he hesitates. He takes a deep breath. How he's acting is kind of freaking them out. 

"Alright. Don't be too upset with him because he didn't have a choice. He had to go and he had to leave yesterday. He's on a mission," Damien starts to explain. 

"Is that it? You make it sound like we'll never see him again," Remus says. 

"Well.. You won't. At least not for a year. He doesn't know this yet and I just found out that it could even be longer," Damien finishes. 

"What? Why so long?" Roman asks as he steps forward. 

"He's with my mother. She chose him as her apprentice/bodyguard. They're in Cradonia," Damien responds. 

"He's that far away and he could be gone for over a year?!" Tara asks. 

"Yeah. Again. He didn't have a choice," Damien says.

Roman runs his hand down his face. 

"Roman?" his brother asks. 

"I'm fine," Roman says. "Is there any way we can talk to him?" he asks. 

"Yeah. Here's the number. He should be there by now so you can call him. Keep in mind that he'll be busy a lot though. I'd text before you call. Just to make sure you aren't interrupting him," Damien says as he hands them a piece of paper. 

"Thanks," Logan says, grabbing it. Damien nods and walks off to give them space. 

"Well this sucks. It feels like we just barely got back together as a family," Tara says as they all start to sit down. The boys all nod in agreement. 

"To think we likely won't see him for over a year... He's there all by himself. What if something happens?" Patton asks. 

"Virgil can handle himself," Janus tells Patton who nods.

Roman puts his head in his hands and groans. 

"I'm sorry man. This must really suck for you, considering you two just got together. I know it's been six months but still," Remus says as he puts a hand on his brother's back. 

"I miss him a lot when I go on missions but I'm always comforted by the fact that I'll see him again soon. I don't have that comfort this time since he'll be gone for over a year," Roman says. 

"At least we'll be able to talk to him over the phone," Janus says. 

"Yeah. Logan. Can you text him now and see if he's free?" Roman asks. "I just did. I'm waiting on a reply," Logan responds.

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