Chapter 10

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"Alright everyone. Time for self defense training," Parker announces to everyone once they're all done eating. Each of the recruits and the trainers thank Edith for the food. They all then head back to the training room. 

"Okay. You new guys can come with me and Damien. The rest of you can pair up and spar. Dion, Heather and Luisa will be watching over you," Parker says. 

"Can't you handle training them by yourself? I mean, come on, do you really need me?" Damien asks Parker. 

"You're staying," Parker says firmly. Damien sighs and reluctantly follows Parker a little away from the main group. Logan, Patton, Janus, Remus, Virgil and Tara follow him as well. Parker stops and turns back to them. 

"Logan, Patton and Virgil. You'll work with Damien. Janus, Remus and Tara will work with me," Parker says. They all nod and split up as they were told.

"First thing to know is when you're in a fight, commit to it. Don't go in with the 'let's see what happens first' mindset. That is the kind of thing that will make you second guess yourself. It will increase your chances of losing," Parker starts off saying. Janus, Remus and Tara nod along. They can faintly hear Damien saying roughly the same thing to their friends. 

"Secondly, focus on what you're doing. Whether that be landing the punch, avoiding the counter or moving. Worry about what you have to do, rather than worrying about getting hurt or other things. Next, throw a punch," he continues. 

"Why?" Remus asks. 

"Just do it. Punch the air as if you're punching an enemy," Parker says. 

"Alright," Remus says and the three of them do it. 

"Not bad but you can do better," Parker tells them. 

"How so?" Janus asks.

"Try to drive your elbow into the punch. Like this," Parker says and demonstrates. 

"See? More power that way," he adds. 

"Okay. I think I got it. Like this?" Tara asks and punches the air again. 

"Yeah. Just like that. Another thing to remember is that you should never let your opponents out of your sight," Parker tells them. 

"Lastly, here's a tip. You should feint for the body and go for the head or vice versa. Now we'll work on basic forms. Follow closely," Parker tells Janus, Remus and Tara. They nod. Parker leads them through some basic forms. Once he shows them he walks around and inspects their forms. After about 20 minutes he stops them. 

"Good. Do you feel like you got those down?" he asks. 

"Yeah," the three recruits say in unison. 

"Alright. Hey Damien! Do they have the basics down?" Parker calls out. 

"Yeah they got em down. Think they're ready to spar?" Damien responds as he walks closer with the other three. Parker nods.

"Okay. Pair up. Virgil and Logan. Janus and Tara. Patton and Remus," Parker tells them. They do as they're told and start sparring with each other. 

"What do you think?" Parker asks Damien quietly. 

"Patton and Virgil have potential with their abilities. They'll both need a lot more training though. Especially Virgil. He refuses to use his ability on people. He wouldn't tell me why," Damien tells him. 

"Okay. What about their fighting skills?" Parker asks. 

"Logan is picking it up pretty fast. Patton is good but seems to be holding back. Virgil... Well... Tell me what you see," Damien says and gestures to each of them. 

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