Chapter 3

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Two weeks pass by quickly. 

"I found some," Roman says as he climbs in the window. 

"Found what?" Logan asks as Roman walks straight to Virgil. He and Patton are counting how much money they have. Remus and Janus are sitting on the floor playing with some cards. 

"Oh. A battery," Roman responds. 

"Really?" Virgil asks. 

"Mhm. Found it this morning when I was passing by a convenience store. They were only a dollar," Roman responds. 

"Awesome. Help me replace them?" Virgil asks. Roman nods and sits next to him on the couch. They switch the batteries and Virgil's watch lights up again. 

"Thank you so much Roman," Virgil says, hugging his friend. 

"Sure thing Virge," Roman says, hugging him back. When they pull apart Virgil gives Roman a small smile. Logan counts the last of their money and sighs. 

"What's wrong?" Roman asks as he and Virgil walk over to them. Janus and Remus look up from their game to listen to what Logan has to say.

"Things have been slow with both my clients and Roman's performances. We'll have to go back to stealing again if we don't earn some more money soon," Logan explains. 

"We can try the docks again," Remus suggests. 

"The last few times we went no one was looking for help," Janus points out. 

"People haven't been staying to listen much anymore," Roman says, slightly upset. 

"Tara writes music so we're trying some of her songs tomorrow though. Hopefully some new material will help," he adds. 

"Hopefully," Remus says as he puts down his cards and stands up. 

"Also, I know we're not in too great a predicament ourselves but I wanted to ask anyway," Roman says hesitantly. 

"What is it kiddo?" Patton asks. 

"Tara's been sleeping behind the shelter this past week. She said it's because the shelter is nasty and people have been stealing her stuff. I was wondering, we don't have to, if she could stay with us," Roman explains.

"We wouldn't be able to use our abilities with her here but I feel bad having her sleep outside with no protection from the elements when we can easily fit one more person," he adds. Logan and Patton share a look. 

"Do you trust her Roman? We don't want trouble here," Janus says. 

"I mean I don't know everything about her but from what I do know she seems like a good person. Plus she's willing to work for what she needs so it's not like she'll be a freeloader," Roman says. 

"I don't see a problem with it then," Janus says. 

"Me neither but we should all agree and we'll have to be careful not to use our abilities," Remus says right after. 

"I'm fine with it," Logan says as he gathers up the money to put in its pouch. 

"It's fine with me too," says Patton. 

"Virgil?" Roman asks. 

"I don't care," Virgil says softly. 

"I'll head out to find her then," Roman says. "Try to be back before dark Roman," Logan tells him. "We're going to have an early start tomorrow," he adds.

Roman nods and heads to the window. He misses the sad look on Virgil's face as he climbs out. He heads towards the shelter. It takes him 20 minutes. When he arrives he heads around to the back. It doesn't take him long to find Tara. 

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