Chapter Fifty-Two: Welcome To The Dollhouse: Part Two

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Henrik's Pov

It was the next day and we were all walking back into the room to continue decorating.

"Good morning. Guten tag. Bom dia. Please find your stations"

"Oh, wow. This is not what I was expecting" Spencer smiled.

We're lucky that A seemed to like Spencer's idea from yesterday and delivered all the stuff that we needed.

"So now you're excited? You're actually going to help A decorate this place?" Emily asked.

"We can use this to make a curtain for Ali's grand entrance" Spencer smiled.

Mona smiled and nodded in agreement.

"Well, you're on your own" Emily sighed.

She sat down on the ground, using her hands to keep herself up.

"Em, we're all in this together. What are you doing?" I asked.

"Taking a stand" Emily deadpanned.

"By sitting?" Hanna asked.

"This isn't my prom. I'm not helping" Emily deadpanned.

"Why are you being such a bitch?" Spencer asked.

"I'm being a bitch? Take a look around. Why are you making this so easy for A? Oh, my God, drapes! Thanks, A. I'm so excited, I get to have my senior prom in a dungeon" Emily sarcastically said.

"You know what? Forget it, Emily. I don't need your help" Spencer said.

She kicked her hand, causing her to fall just a bit.

"You did that on purpose" Emily said as she sat up and walked towards Spencer.

"Get over yourself" Spencer scoffed.

"Stop, this is already stressful enough as it is. Spencer, don't start-" Aria started but she cut her off.

"I didn't start anything. The quitter did. That's what you do, isn't it, Emily? You quit things. When things are too much for you, you just throw in the towel. I mean, you quit the swim team. You quit Paige. You even quit Maya" Spencer angrily spat.

Ok, I get that we're doing this as part of the plan, but bringing Maya up was a low blow.

Emily glared at her before shoving her backwards.

Spencer glared at her before shoving her backwards. Soon they began fighting.

Hanna and Aria went to split them up. 

When Mona and I made sure that A's attention was on them we quickly grabbed the equipment. We put them inside a box before walking towards Mona's station.

We watched as Spencer and Emily calmed down and apologize to each other.

"If you baboons are done fighting, we could use some help over here" Mona said.

"Then we can all decorate together" I added, smiling.

The girls all sighed and nodded before walking towards us.

I internally smirked as Mona and Spencer began working on the fake camera. The girls and I wrote on the papers for the prom queen voting.

Caleb's Pov

Carl and I were in one of the interrogation rooms with Mr and Mrs. Hastings. They were our lawyers.

I swear I was doing my best to control myself. But Lieutenant Tanner is getting on my damn nerves.

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