Chapter Twenty-Five: Escape From New York

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Henrik's Pov

The ambulance arrived and placed Ezra on a stretcher and rolled him inside the ambulance.

A few people had gathered around to see what was going on. The girls and I were holding Aria back from going inside the ambulance. While Noel was talking to the cops about what happened.

"Hey, let me go, please" Aria begged.

"Aria, we cannot do anything to help him right now. If they think you know anything about this, you're gonna spend the entire night answering questions at the police station. You're never gonna get to the hospital" Spencer explained.

"Spencer's right. We'll find out where they're taking him and we'll get you there" I softly said.

Aria's lips trembled but she hesitantly nodded her head. She clung onto my arm, her nails digging into my skin.

I ignored the slight pain I felt and just hugged her tightly, hoping that it would somewhat help.

Alison wasn't with us. She couldn't reveal herself just yet to the public. If people saw her then they would definitely start freaking out and the police would've been called to take all of us in. So, she was hiding up on the fire escape above us.

"Folks, could you step back please?" an officer asked.

A Few Minutes Later

The girls and I were outside of a convenience store as the girls were taking out their burner phones from a box and throwing the boxes out.

Emily was inside the store, trying to find some pepper spray to give to Alison, for protection.

"You know what to say, right? Don't stay on the line a second longer than you have to" Spencer said.

Hanna nodded and took the burner phone from her before walking away from us to make the call.

Emily walked out of the store and handed Alison a tall can of pepper spray.

"It's the strongest one they had" Emily said.

Alison nodded, thanking her, before stuffing it into her pocket.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at her.

"Ezra just saved my life. And he probably saved yours, too" Alison said.

That's true. If he hadn't stepped in and fought A I would've been choked to death. Or worse.

"Hanna's right. There's no way my mom made that jump. She's not A. But Ezra knows who is" Alison said.

"Look, Em, the plan was to get Ali out of town tonight, but now that we know that A's after Ezra-" Aria started but Emily cut her off.

"I get that A wants to shut Ezra up, okay, but Ali's still a target. Can't we think of another way to do this?" Emily asked.

"If Ezra...when Ezra pulls through, he's going to tell us who A is, and this thing is finally gonna be over" Aria said.

We just need Ezra to pull through and tell us who A is so this hell hole can finally end.

"Hi, the guy who just got shot at Bank and Hudson is Ezra Fitz. Yeah, I think that you should send a cop to the hospital because I saw what happened, and I don't think this was a random thing. Well, yeah, but he might not be safe so you better go fast" Hanna explained.

She hung up once she was done talking to them and walked back towards us.

"Are they sending somebody?" Aria asked.

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