Chapter One: A Is For A-L-I-V-E

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Henrik's Pov

There was a pig. A dead freaking pig in the back of the car.

Me and the girls were looking at it in disgust, trying to look away but for some reason we couldn't.

"What the hell" I gasped.

The girls all looked at the dead pig in disgust before finally managing to look away.

But then I realized that someone wasn't here with us.

Where the hell is Mona?

"Where's Mona?" I asked.

The girls all began looking around, only to realize that Mona wasn't anywhere to be found.

"This was all her. She set us up" Aria said, looking angry.

"Ok, let's go. Let's get out of here. Come on" Emily said.

We all nodded and quickly ran over to Emily's car, wanting to get out of here as fast as we could.

But then we stopped when we saw that Hanna was still by the car.

"Hanna! Hanna, let's go" I said.

We ran back over to them and tried to grab Hanna, but we saw that Mona was inside the car.

She was doing something but we couldn't tell what it was.

I bit my lip nervously, unsure of what to do. 

Aria noticed and quickly slid her hand into mine, giving me a gentle and comforting squeeze.

I smiled at her and she smiled back before we looked back into the car, only to see that Mona still wasn't done with whatever she was doing.

"Guys" Aria said.

We turned around and our eyes widened when we saw a couple walking.

They didn't see us but if we didn't leave soon, they would.

"Someone's coming" I gasped.

The girls quickly urged Hanna and Mona to hurry up, none of them wanting to be here any longer.

If that couple saw us we were screwed.

"Em, hurry and start the car so we can get the hell out of here" I said.

Emily nodded and quickly ran off to the car, Spencer following her while Aria and I stayed.

"Hanna, Mona, hurry the hell up" I hissed at them.

"Come on" Aria said, looking anxious and stressed like me.

Finally Mona got whatever she needed and got out of the car and just like that the rest of us quickly ran to the car.

I opened the door and let the girls go first before getting in myself.

Once I slammed the door shut Emily drove off as fast as she could.

At Spencer's House

Finally we made it to Spencer's house and we were lucky that her parents weren't home.

We made sure that the doors were locked as well as the windows. We still weren't safe.

Spencer was looking at the T.V, watching the news. Me and Aria were looking outside the window, Hanna was sitting on the kitchen stool, Emily was standing and Mona was sitting on the couch.

"There's a report on the lodge, but nothing about Wilden's car" Spencer said.

"Well, I guess the fire trumps a dead pig" Hanna sarcastically said.

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