Chapter Twenty-Nine: Miss Me x 100

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Henrik's Pov

The girls all came to our house after Spencer told us that Toby received a call from Jenna and told him that she found out Shana was murdered.

Alison was staring outside the window while the rest of us were sitting either on the couch or chairs.

"I'm sorry, Spence. Ok, nobody likes lying to Toby. But if he finds out what happened in New York-" Emily started but Aria cut her off.

"If you're lying to protect me, you don't need to" Aria said.

Spencer glanced at Alison, unsure of what to say or do.

Aria saw and glanced at Alison before looking back at Spencer.

"It's your decision, Spencer. It's not hers" Aria said, clearly annoyed.

"Alison, you don't have to stand watch. Spencer said that Toby was taking her home. Jenna's not coming here" I said.

Alison sighed and nodded her head as she walked over to us.

"He said she sounded broken" Spencer said.

"She's still full-on blind, right?" Emily asked.

"Maybe she came back 'cause she wants to be close to her family" Aria said.

"Hey, no offense, but if she's sad she could cry in New York" Emily said in annoyance.

"Let's face it, we blinded Jenna, we killed her girlfriend. She's back to punish us for it" Hanna said, clearly worried.

"Said with absolutely no tact but you're right" Spencer nodded.

"I had no idea that Jenna was living in New York. Which means that Shana was lying when she said that Jenna didn't know that she was after us" Alison said.

"She came home to finish what Shana started" Emily added.

"And I still don't have time for a hobby" Hanna sighed.

"What?" Aria asked, confused.

"The new normal was supposed to be a carefree senior year" I chuckled lightly.

"A's dead and we're still plotting our zone defense in the dark" Emily sighed.

"You guys have put up with so much to help me. And I've made a lot of enemies. But it's not going to be us against them tomorrow. Just like I'm working to earn back your trust, I'm going to try and make amends with everyone I hurt" Alison explained.

I want to believe her. I really do. But it's hard.

Even after reuniting with her back in New York she's still keeping some secrets from us and it's frustrating.

Does she not trust us?

"Does that include Jenna?" Aria asked.

Alison didn't say anything at that.

I don't really think making amends with Jenna is a good idea. Given that Alison is the one who blinded her.

The Next Day

The day we've all been waiting for is here.

Alison was coming back to school.

I'm honestly excited and anxious at the same time. I already know that not everyone is gonna be happy with her return.

The girls and I were waiting for her outside of school. It's fair to say we were all anxious.

"Maybe she's not coming" Hanna said.

"Oh, she's coming" Emily nodded.

"We should have picked her up. Why didn't we pick her up?" Aria asked.

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