Chapter Twenty-Six: Whirly Girlie

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Henrik's Pov

After the girls and I left the theater we got on the bus to head back home. We all sat in silence the entire ride home.

Aria and I sat together. She was snuggled close to me, her head resting on my shoulder as she slept.

I had an arm around her shoulders, making sure she was by my side the entire time. I let her sleep since she was clearly exhausted.

After everything that happened, we were all exhausted.

Finally the bus arrived at Rosewood. I have never been so happy to be back home.

The door to the bus opened and we all got out, saying thank you to the bus driver in the process.

However, we saw Alison hesitating to leave the bus, we can still see some fear in her eyes.

"Ali, are you ok?" I softly asked.

Alison glanced around town before looking back at us. She shook her head and a made a move to get back on the bus.

Emily, since she was the closest, quickly grabbed her arm.

"Stop. You don't need to run anymore. A is gone. Come on" Emily softly said.

Alison sighed before walking out of the bus.

I nodded at the bus driver before the doors closed and he took off.

"Ali, look, we talked about this. You know it's the right decision" Spencer said.

"Maybe I should go home first, speak to my mom" Alison said.

"Ali, your mother buried you" I said.

"Look, I think it's more important that the police know you're alive before your mom does" Spencer said.

"Yeah. You need to walk in there and tell them everything. I mean, about Mona being A, Shana taking over where Mona left off all of it. Start with the night that you ran away" Emily explained.

"No. Before that you have to start with the Jenna thing" Spencer said.

Wait, seriously?

"Wait, what? Why?" Hanna asked.

"She has to. Shana was after us for payback for what happened to Jenna" Spencer said.

I guess that makes sense.

"I can't do this. I can't" Alison said, clear worry in her tone.

"You can. Ok, you're not in this alone. A tortured all of us, and what happened to Shana-" Emily started but Aria cut her off.

"Happened because of me. And I can handle that part. I think" Aria sighed.

I wrapped my arm around her shoulders and gave her temple a soft kiss.

"But, Ali, look, you're gonna have to cover the rest" I said.

Alison sighed and bit her lip, turning her head to look at the police station that was just across the street.

"Ali. Are we in agreement?" Spencer asked.

Alison didn't say anything. She just turned around and began walking. We all looked at each other before following behind her.

This is it. We're really doing this.

We're doing something that we should've done from the beginning.

We're going to the cops and we're gonna tell them everything.

When we walked inside the police we saw many people working, but when Detective Holbrook saw us he immediately stopped what he was doing and made his way towards us.

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