Chapter Thirty-Four: A Dark Ali

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Henrik's Pov

The girls and I were currently at the Dilaurentis house, in Alison's bedroom.

Apparently the cops arrested a man that they suspect is Alison's 'kidnapper' and want Alison to ID him.

And to say we were all pissed would be an understatement.

"You said you don't know?" Spencer incredulously asked.

"What was I supposed to say, Spencer?" Alison asked.

"How about no?" Emily suggested, shrugging her shoulders.

"I was blindfolded, remember" Alison said.

"I'm sorry, do we seriously have to remind you that you were never actually kidnapped?" I asked, looking at her as if she's grown two heads.

This lie is getting out of hand and we're all getting tired.

"There's a man being questioned by the police right now for a crime that never happened" Aria added.

"Guys, this is A. I mean, you said he knew about the rock that hit you. He knew where you were kept, what you ate, what mattress you slept on" Emily said.

"It's the same story that you told the doctor" Hanna said in realization.

"And Holbrook, the night we got back from New York" Spencer added.

"Well, it doesn't matter where A got it. What matters is what A, is planning to do now" Aria said, clearly worried.

"If A is behind this, that's exactly who that guy is gonna run to when he panics" Alison said in realization.

"What are you saying?" Hanna asked.

"I'm saying, if I can make him think that he's gonna go down for this, we can follow him to A and finally win A's game" Alison explained.

"Great. We win the game, we find out who A is. What happens when we lose?" I asked.

Alison didn't say anything. Just proves that she doesn't have a plan for what'll happen if we lose.

I rolled my eyes before turning around and walking away, the girls followed behind me.

We exited the house, there was a cop car and two cops by the house, and started walking.

"Is it weird that we haven't gotten an A message about this yet?" Hanna asked.

"No, I don't need a creepy text to read the writing on the wall. The second Ali says that this guy kidnapped her, we're gonna figure out that Cyrus Petrillo's A sheep farmer in Montana and couldn't possibly have done this" Aria explained.

"And then the whole world's gonna know that Ali's a big fat liar" I added.

"And us. Right now, we're just as big and fat as she is" Hanna said.

"Hey, guys, keep your voices down" Emily said.

"Yeah. Thank god the cops are here so we don't have to worry about being imaginary kidnapped" Spencer sarcastically said.

I snorted in amusement while Emily glared at her.

"Yeah, but once Tanner figures out that the kidnapping story is a lie, they're gonna figure out about New York and Shana real quick" Aria said, clearly worried.

"Ali's not an idiot. She's not gonna walk right into an obvious A trap" Emily defended.

"We don't know that anymore. We all heard her in there. She's gone rogue" I scoffed.

I'm sorry but so far Alison has done nothing but dumb stuff and made up lies and dragged us with her.

I'm 100% sure that this is all gonna bite her in the ass.

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