Chapter Twelve: Now You See Me, Now You Don't

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Henrik's Pov

Me and the girls were currently at Spencer's house as we were watching the news.

It turns out that the guy that asked Hanna to dance with him is called Travis, and it turns out that he had been there that day when Ms. Marin had run over Wilden. Travis saw that Wilden was still alive but a figure ran after him and he heard gunshots after Ms. Marin drove off.

Hanna convinced Travis to talk to Tanner and it might be enough to free Hanna's mom.

"An eye witness has stepped forward and unconfirmed inside sources say this witness has detailed information about the crime and the parties involved. So far, the district attorneys" the guy on the news began explanining.

The doorbell rang and Spencer walked off to answer it.

Hanna sighed before grabbing the remote and turning off the T.V.

"I don't get it. Why would the cops want my mom to come in for a line up if Travis told the truth? Do you think that A found a way to shut him up again?" Hanna asked in worry.

"Hanna, don't go there. Travis made you a promise, and he seems like a stand-up guy" I reassured her.

"Plus he's really cute. And he's quite the dancer" Aria said.

I chuckled at that but nodded since it was true.

We heard footsteps and turned around to see Spencer walking back in, but she was holding a box.

"It's addressed to all of us" Spencer said.

She set the box down as we all began to unwrap it. When we opened the box we saw that there were 5 eight balls with our names on them.

We all glanced at each other before taking out the balls. We turned them around to see messages written on them.

"If she goes free" Hanna started.

"You'll hear from me" Spencer said.

"Kisses" Emily said.

"A" me and Aria said.

I set my ball down as Aria did the same with hers. She rested her head on my shoulder and I gently rubbed her back up and down.

"So if my mom gets off" Hanna started.

"Cece's coming for us" Aria said.

I scoffed and crossed my arms, a determined look on my face.

"I say bring it. Maybe then she'll leave our parents alone" I said.

"Or did she just declare world war A?" Spencer asked, her tone filled with nothing but worry.

The Next Day

It was the next day and me and the girls were in English class with Mr. Fitz.

Hanna wasn't here since she wanted to be with her mom since she would be doing the lineup today. Carl didn't come either since he wanted to support his girlfriend and her mother, as always.

"Now, I'm sure you all remember the witches from MacBeth and the fairies and forests of a midsummer night's dream, but beyond having a sorcerer as a protagonist, the tempest considers the magical quality of love at first sight" Mr. Fitz explained.

I began taking notes, glancing at Aria before going back to my notes.

It's weird for Ezra, or well, Mr. Fitz to still teach here since he used to date my sister. Even though they're not together anymore because she's with Jake, I can tell that she still cares about him and he does too.

ReincarnationDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora