Chapter Twenty-Two: Cover For Me

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Henrik's Pov

A few days have passed since we found out about Ezra's book on us and lots of things happened.

Spencer's parents found out about her addiction and sent her to rehab for the past few days. Aria decided to go to Syracuse to get her mind off of everything. My guess is she found some dude to hook up with for a while.

Normally I would've been mad about that, but after everything that happened between her and Ezra, she deserves something like this to get her mind off that asshole.

Honestly she can hook up with a girl and I'll be over the moon. Too bad she's straight.

I was currently gathering my things for school while talking to Aria on the phone.

"I'm still at Syracuse" Aria said, she sounded tired, really tired.

"Does dad know about what happened?" I asked.

"No. No. He thinks I'm here for a Prospective Student Week. It's 4 days of campus tours, classroom visits, and a bunch of father-daughter bonding time" Aria explained.

"But how are you doing? Really" I asked, worried.

"Um, honestly, I'm just trying not to think about any of it. Him. Everything" Aria sighed.

"Sis, you know I love you. And you know that you don't have to go through this on your own. You know, we can all come up there" I softly said.

"No, it's okay. I'm not alone. I just mean that dad's here with me. Look, I've got to go. The tour's starting" Aria said.

"Yeah, sure. Well, have fun, but remember to be safe. And don't you dare come back pregnant" I teasingly warned her.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Bye, love you" Aria chuckled.

"Love you, too" I chuckled before hanging up.

I sighed, a small smile on my face.

It's nice to hear her voice again and it's nice to hear that she's doing better than the last time.

At School

I met up with Emily and Hanna at school and we were walking in the hallway together.

"Aria finally called me this morning" I said.

"Is she still mad at me?" Hanna asked, worried.

"She's not mad, she's hurting. But she sounded okay. Distant. But she seems to be doing better over there" I said.

Emily sighed and nodded her head as we walked towards Hanna's locker.

"It was so weird. I called her cell and her mom answered. There's no visitors and she's not gonna be in school for a while" Hanna said.

"Probably for the best" Emily said.

I sighed and nodded my head.

I just hope that whatever Mrs. Hastings set up to help Spencer works because she needs to get over this addiction of hers.

"I saw Fitz's car in the teacher's parking lot" Emily said.

Mine and Hanna's eyes widen in disbelief, are you kidding me right now?

"Wait, that asshole is back?" I asked.

"Mm-hmm" Emily nodded.

I scoffed in disbelief while Hanna shut her locker, looking shocked and angry.

"So he just goes to New York to collect the big, fat check for selling us out. And then what, comes back here to gloat?" Hanna asked.

I clenched my jaw and my fists clenched at my sides, my knuckles turned white because of how hard I was clenching them.

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