Chapter Fifteen: Love Shack Baby

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Henrik's Pov

Me and the girls were still in the crypt. Spencer was going through Alison's journal, we all needed something but so far we didn't get anything from it.

"I don't understand. I...I don't recognize any of these names" Spencer said, flipping through a few pages.

"Because she changed them. She was changing stories, too. You just have to know the real stories in order to recognize the fake ones" Hanna explained.

"Sounds like Ali. The truth bored her" I said.

"So it's like creative non-fiction with pseudonyms?" Spencer asked.

"I don't know what that means, but sure" Hanna said.

"Hanna, I can't believe that you held onto this since Ravenswood" Aria said in disbelief.

"We knew that Ali had journals. What's so bad about this one?" Spencer asked, confused.

"Because the stories in there, they're...they're personal" Hanna sighed.

"Personal about Ali?" I asked.

"About Ali and us. There are things in there that we may not know about each other, and things from the past that we want to forget" Hanna explained.

"So you thought you should get to read it, and we don't?" Emily asked in disbelief.

"I just didn't see the point of bringing all that up again. We're supposed to be focused on finding Ali" Hanna angrily said.

"That's not your call to make" Spencer argued.

"I know. I made a mistake" Hanna argued back.

"And it took you till now to realize that?" Emily sarcastically asked.

"Em, I said I was sorry!" Hanna yelled.

"Did you?" Spencer asked, raising an eyebrow at her.

"For the love of god, enough! Arguing isn't going to change anything other than add more fuel and drama and we have enough of that already with this A freak going around and using whatever they have against us and attacking us whenever they can!" I angrily snapped.

Hanna, Emily and Spencer all flinched at my tone.

Everyone knows that I get scary when I'm angry.

I honestly don't know where I get it from. I'd like to think it's from mom since she's scarier than dad, but I'm not sure.

Aria reached over and grabbed my hand, giving it a gentle squeeze.

I sighed and took a few deep breaths, slowly calming down.

The only two people that can calm me down when I'm angry are Aria and Caleb. 

"I agree with Hen. The most important thing is that we have this now" Aria said.

Spencer and Emily sighed and nodded their heads.

Hanna shot both me and Aria grateful smiles and we shot her small smiles and nodded our heads.

"Ok, Hanna, you said that there are stories in here about Ali. What about Board Shorts or someone else who might have been after her?" I asked.

"There might be. I don't know. I just couldn't put all the pieces together on my own" Hanna said.

"So this is what we do. We each take turns, we'll weed out the stories about us and see what's left over" Emily explained.

We all looked at each other and nodded, agreeing with what she said.

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