Chapter 1

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I headed out to do a patrol around the base, but as I approached the nearby river, I felt panic creep into me immediately when I saw a lump on the shore. Running forward I saw the long hair of a woman, a young woman, collapsed. Along with tons of blood seeping from her head, back, left arm, and even her bare feet. Why the heck were her feet even bare? And her clothes were unlike regular clothes at all, you might as well have called her one of those cavemen, except a woman from her standards. Her clothes looked like they were modern, but they were torn apart in some areas, and it was so thin, and the color was so drained out of it that they might as well have been called dirty scrubs or rags at that.

"Ratchet, prepare the medical bay, immediately." I cried as I sat down next to the girl and quickly checked for a pulse, before I picked her up and ran to the gates. The blood started to soak my clothes along with some water that obviously came from her being in the river. Whatever happened to her, she easily got torn up by the waterfall a good couple of miles back. It made me think she had tried to even commit suicide with the state she was in.

I saw the bots as I passed by them, before I continued to rush toward the medical bay. Well aware of the bots staring at the girl, but that was the least of my worries. I saw Ratchet setting a medical bed up for a bot, but the second he saw me carrying the girl he panicked and quickly got to work setting up something much more proper, just before Jolt came walking in.

"What the heck happened? Where did she come from?" Jolt cried as he saw the girl in my arms.

"I have no idea, she was just off the shore while I was walking around the grounds. I would be willing to wager she tried to kill herself with how bad the wounds are. Nobody would dare to jump those falls like that, otherwise." I explained as I climbed up the steps with her to put the girl in the medical bed. The second she was in the bed, both Jolt and Ratchet were immediately transforming into their alt modes, before their holoforms appeared and were standing there next to him.

"Agent Lennox, we will take it from here. We may keep her in stasis, making sure she can heal properly, but we will let you know about the results."

"Understood." I replied, before looking at the girl and walking away with a sigh. "Why would a girl her age want to kill herself, I will never know."

I walked out of the medical bay, and headed to the main hangar, where the majority of the bots and a few of my soldiers were sitting talking to each other. Some of them were talking about the girl I had just brought in, while I understood their concerns, I also had a few concerns as well.

"What if she is working for the Decepticons?" Skids cried out.

"Do you really think she would come to our door if she worked for them?" Mudflap cried as he hit his brother on the head.

"Guys stop!" Ironhide cried as he shoved the two, before resuming the conversation. "I am as concerned as you guys are, but we don't have any proof yet as to why she is here."

"I agree. If we were able to get her to talk, we could figure it out." Bumblebee spoke up.

"I don't think that will be possible, Bee. Ratchet said he was gonna induce her to stasis due to how severe her injuries were. So it may be a while before we have any idea who she is and why she is here." I spoke.

"Did she say anything when you found her?" Prowl asked as he approached, "Any clues you noticed near where she was?"

"I merely found her in a puddle of her own blood, along with water from the river. I wanna say I think she committed suicide, but it looked as though she had just been pulling herself out of the river, with all of the water that was soaked into her clothes as well. Could have been a failed attempt, but at the same time it also could have been someone throwing her off the cliff." I explained.

"She was right outside our doors?" Chromia asked.

"Well, I just got done working on her. I have put her into a forced stasis, as well as life support. I do not know for sure if this girl was commiting suicide or if she was running. I managed to treat her head injury, as well as a stab wound on her back and lower hip. There were also severe cuts along her feet that were dirty from rocks and dirt. Why she was even barefoot, I will probably never know. Along with having 3 fractured ribs, luckily nothing was punctured, but at the same time she had a sprained arm. I also had to give her a few blood fusions due to how much blood she lost. She is incredibly underweight and malnourished. She was so incredibly thin you could feel the cracks in her ribs." Ratchet spoke from behind them. "I am afraid there was no form of identification or any personal objects on her either, as I examined the clothing on her. I have a few blood tests I am gonna run, but they will take a little longer to process to make sure there is nothing wrong with her blood. Which of course I had collected before the blood fusion, but still. For now I would be predicting about 2 months before I even allow her to come out of stasis, that is if she wakes up on her own afterwards.

"Very well, for now with what lead we do have, we should examine the river, both up and down stream, see if there is any sign of evidence to who she is, or any clues. As well as examining the upper grounds around the cliff. It may help us out with some clues." Optimus spoke as he stood in the room. "For now, we should wait and see to her recovery, in hopes she awakens. For now, we will merely hope she is innocent, but until we know any further details about her we will merely wait and see to her covery."

"Understood." He and the bots all replied, before he turned tail and went to resume work. Preparing to set up the search parties to examine the stream.

"Optimus, I must speak with you, there is something very concerning about this girl." I cried as I approached him, along with Lennox and a few of the members of the team.

"What is wrong? She didn't die did she?" Lennox asked.

"That's the thing. She should be dead. I just got done studying her blood, and it appears that from before the fusions, she used to be rich in both fragments of Cybertronian alloy and energon, yet her body is entirely human." I spoke. "After texting her blood again, from after the fusions it is as though her body has made its own energon to add into the blood. There is also evidence of substances being injected into her body from residue of poisons, to even weird, irregular chemicals that do not belong in a human's system."

"So, we could be wise to assume she may have been an experiment from the Decepticons." Prowl spoke up.

"But, why would they be experimenting on humans?" Sideswipe asked.

"To possibly attempt building a new army." Optimus spoke. "Which would explain the deep tire tracks and residue of Cybertronian energy in the area."

"There is also the matter of her recovery. Her body has not rejected the energon, but instead it is using it. I put a very small sample of fresh energon into her bloodstream, which has sped up her healing abilities. Her gashes are merely small cuts now, and the ribs are just about recovered from their fractures."

"So would that mean your prediction of her recovery has changed?" Opitmus asked.

"I am willing to wager another week or two before all her injuries have healed. Leaving as much as minimal scars. I am even willing to withdraw the stasis sooner." I replied.

"I am sure we should be careful and cautious of her when she awakes. She may panic and try to run." Prowl spoke up. "I think we should have a few people on watch in case she does wake up. As much as Ratchet hates to have a shadow, we know little about this girl and we need to take precautions."

"As much as I agree she may be afraid, if we have people watching her that may also alarm her. We should just let her awake when she does and from there wait and see." Opitmus spoke.

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