As Close as Friends Can be.

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The next morning when I woke up I was automatically in a good mood I hopped out of bed and pulled back my curtains to let in some light and then I blasted some music while I picked out an outfit for the day. While I was going through my closet I came across floral print crop top so I paired it with some high waisted shorts with my black vans. Before I got dressed I got in the shower to freshen up by the time I got out I was running a little behind so I threw my clothes on and let my hair dry in it's natural waves. After I was ready I went downstairs for a quick breakfast.
"Good morning sweetheart." my dad said as I walked in the kitchen.
"Good morning dad." I said as I grabbed a bowl and the cinnamon toast crunch.
"You in a hurry?" My dad questioned as I rushed to the fridge for the milk.
"Umm yes actually I need to pick Isaac up so we can hangout and I'm running late. Where's the milk?" I asked as I turned to look at him with furrowed eyebrows.
"I guess we're out, so what are you and Isaac doing today?"
"We were just gonna hangout here but first were getting milk because I need cinnamon toast crunch." I said as I grabbed an apple to hold me over until I got back.
"Okay thanks I'll see you tonight I have work."
"You're welcome I'll see you later." I said as I grabbed my keys and went to my car.
When I got to Derek's loft I went upstairs to get Isaac so we could head back to my house.
When I got to the door I knocked and waited for an answer.
"Hey Grace." Derek said after he opened the door.
"Hey is Isaac here?"
"Yeah he's getting dressed." he said as he moved to the side motioning for me to come in.
"Oh okay."
"Didn't you guys hangout last night?" Derek asked with a smirk.
"Yeah we were all gonna watch movies but you Erika and Boyd ditched us." I said as I playfully shoved him.
"Hey we had werewolf business." he laughed.
"What happened?" I asked.
"We had and altercation at the police station with the kanima and Matt."
"What does Matt have to do with any of this?"
"You didn't know?"
"Know what?" I asked before taking a bite of my apple.
"Matt is the one controlling Jackson."
"Well everyone is okay though right?"
"Yeah just a little beat up Scott's mom found out about him though she was freaking out I don't know how she's taking it today though."
"Dammit I'll call him later. Did I miss anything else?"
"I mean other than Allison making it her life's mission to kill me nothing."
"I guess I'll be talking to her too." I said throwing my apple core away.
"Sorry I'm late." Isaac said as he walked in the kitchen.
"It's fine you ready to go?"
"Good because I need to go buy milk."
"Why do you need milk?" Isaac asked.
"Because we're out and I need cinnamon toast crunch."
"Oh okay." Isaac laughed at my response.
"Well I'll see you later Derek."
"Yeah I'll see you around." he said with a smile.
When we got to my car the first thing I did was call Scott to see how him and his mom were holding up.
"Hello." he said after he answered the phone he sounded a little upset.
"Hey I heard about what happened last night...How are you holding up?" I asked.
He sighed. "I guess I'm fine it's just my mom won't talk to me she won't even look at me."
"Scott I'm so sorry don't worry she'll come around she just needs time to take it all in." I tried reassuring him.
"I hope so..."
"Scott you're her son she's going to love you no matter what she just needs to process this."
"Okay thanks for calling."
"No problem I gotta go I'll see you later."
"Okay I'll see you around." he said before hanging up.
"You're a really good friend you're so thoughtful." Isaac said as he buckled his seatbelt.
"Eh I try." I laughed as I mocked his words from the night before.
He rolled his eyes "Hahaha you're so funny."
"I know." I said grinning.
He laughed "Cocky too."
"I think you're getting the two of us mixed up you're the cocky one I on the other hand am hilarious."
"You're in a really good mood today." He said smiling at me.
I grinned "I don't know I just woke up in a good mood besides I get to hangout with you today." I said taking my eyes off the road for a second to look at him.
"I mean who wouldn't want to hangout with me." he said with a smirk.
"See cocky." I laughed as we turned into the parking lot.
"So were just here for milk?"
"Yeah I told my dad I would get some."
"Oh how's it going with him anyways?"
"It's good I mean he's working on his anger so far he's only slapped me a couple of times this week so I guess that's progress." I replied shrugging my shoulders.
"Well hopefully he sticks to his word and straightens out."
"Yeah hopefully."
After we got the milk we paid and drove to my house to hangout.
"Finally now I can have my cereal." I said as I pulled into my driveway.
"What's up with you and cereal?" He asked as he laughed at my eagerness.
I narrowed my eyes. "It's cinnamon toast crunch...that shits delicious."
"Okay I rest my case." he laughed.
I was on my way to the front door when I heard a car door slam I turned to see Stiles staring at Isaac and I he didn't say anything he just stared as we walked in the house.
When I got to the kitchen my bowl of cereal was still there so all I had to pour the milk in the bowl.
"Do you want some?"
"Nah I'm good I already ate."
"Okay." I said before taking a bite.
"Oh my god." I said.
"What the heck Grace?!" He laughed.
"What?" I asked.
"You seriously just moaned because of cereal." he said cracking up.
My face turned red. "It's really good cereal."
"Okay if you say so."
I rolled my eyes and continued eating. When I was finished eating I rinsed my bowl and Isaac and I went upstairs to my room.
"So what do you wanna do?" I asked as I sat on my bed with my legs crossed.
"I don't know we can just lay here and talk until lunch time and them we can go get ice cream or something." he said as he laid on his back putting his head in my lap.
I smiled "Sounds good to me." I said as I started playing with his hair.
"So last night..." he started.
"The kiss?" I interrupted.
"What about it?" I asked.
"I couldn't stop thinking about it I'm still thinking of it." he smiled as I ran my fingers through his curls.
"Well I mean not to brag but I am a pretty good kisser." I grinned.
"And you say I'm the cocky one." he laughed.
"Seriously though that kiss was-"
"Amazing." he said finishing my sentence.
"Yeah." I smiled looking down at him.
"I like kissing you..." he sat up looking at me.
I blushed "I like kissing you."
He smirked before asking. "Can I kiss you?"
"I don't know; can you?" I smirked moving closer to him so that our noses were touching.
"I want to." he said looking from my eyes down to my lips.
"Then do it." I whispered.
Then he kissed me at first it was slow but then it was like we needed each other like we were running out of oxygen and if we stopped kissing we wouldn't be able to breathe. As the kiss deepened he laid me down so that he could lay next to me. When were done we just cuddled.
"I change my mind." Isaac said sitting up on one arm and caressing my face with the other.
"I don't like kissing you, I love kissing you." he said causing me to grin as he leaned in for a quick kiss.
"Ice cream?" I suggested.
"Yeah let's go." he said getting up and throwing me over his shoulder.
"Isaac!" I yelled.
"I'm driving." he laughed.
"Put me down!" I yelled as I hit his back trying to get him to let me down.
"Nope." he said as he grabbed my keys and walked out the door.
"Can I at least open my own door?"
"Nope." he said as he opened the door and sat me down in my seat.
"I hate you." I sneered as I reached for my seatbelt.
"No you don't." he smirked as he grabbed my seatbelt and and reached across me to buckle my seatbelt the whole time not breaking eye contact.
"Hate you." I said.
"You don't hate me." he whispered before leaning in for a kiss.
"I don't think I'll ever get tired of doing that." he said as he pulled away causing me to blush.
The whole drive to the ice cream shop was peaceful instead of sitting in we got our ice cream and left I got cookies and cream and Isaac got rocky road instead of going straight to my house we drove around for a bit.
"So what does this make us if you don't want to get into a relationship right now?" Isaac asked.
"Best friends." I answered.
"Best friends?" He asked turning to look at me.
I raised an eyebrow and smirked. "The best of friends."
"Okay then best friends it is." he said looking back at the road with a smile on his face.
* Comment and vote please :)
I've decided to update every other week since I have my other story I'm working on so not next week but the next week I'll have an update 👌

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