To enter or not enter?

Not enter.

the pretty boy shook his head in disagreement and went inside his study to work. he didn't realize how fast the time flew by and it was almost midnight. All those signatures and cross checking the statements of his clients took a lot of time today.

Slowly, he closed his door and walked back to his room. He halted on his track when he saw the kitchen lights switched on at this hour.

the kitchen lights switched on at this hour. the pretty boy's eyes diluted in confusion.

What was the elder still doing in there at this hour?

To enter or not to enter?

Jungkook closed his eyes and sighed in exhaustion when that same awful thought crossed his mind.

Not to enter. It was always not to enter.

With that thought in his mind, Jungkook drifted off to sleep.

The next day, the house was normal again. the pretty boy did his normal routine like he did for months and opened his bedroom door only to find a small box on the floor with a stick note.

'Gone out for a jog and wanted to check out the neighborhood. Made some chocolate cookies yesterday. -Tae

Whatever. The elder should have asked Jungkook's permission before entering the kitchen and shouldn't have broken the lock.

The elder didn't even ask why the kitchen door was locked.

the pretty boy sat on the couch, with his laptop and started working while waiting for Uncle kang to ring the bell with his breakfast.

Seriously, yesterday the pretty boy thought he was going to puke. Jimin kept feeding him all the bacon, pancakes, fruits and three different types of juices. Today, he wanted to feed him lunch which was now consisting of eggs, more fruits, his usual salad with added pepper. sandwiches and God knows what other things. When Jungkook told him that he can eat for himself, Jimin refused saying that he wanted to remove all the guilt which he had been having for turning the pretty boy into something very less than he originally was. But he doesn't know that he can turn him back to what Jungkook originally was, physically.

He heard the main door open, accompanied by heavy panting. he peeked from the corner of his eye and saw Taehyung taking off his headphones and pouring water from his bottle all over his neck then he saw the pretty boy and smiled.

"Good morning kook."

Jungkook chose not to reply to him and continued working on his laptop.

"Pleasant day, isn't it?"

Where was kang and his breakfast? Jungkook wanted his breakfast.

"Nice neighborhood you got here. Always wanted one like yours."

Do not reply.

"Did you know that your neighbor gave birth to a boy a week ago? Man, he was cute."

Do. Not. Reply.

"Are all babies born with so much fat?"

Now the elder has gone off the topic.

"Anyways, did you eat those cookies? I added something new in them."

the pretty boy heard the doorbell ring twice, indicating that uncle kang was here with his breakfast. Jungkook ran to his main door and allowed him to enter.

"Good morning jungcook." kang greeted him, saying the pretty boy's name wrong for the umpteenth time.

"It's Jungkook not Jungcook." the pretty boy grumbled.

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