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—The end of our storm has arrived,
As our paths split into two,
Our love will continue to thrive,
My heart is no longer bleu,

I know we've been through a forecast,
With sunshine and the rain,
But I would ride the waves of the storm
To be near you again....

I know we've been through a forecast,With sunshine and the rain,But I would ride the waves of the stormTo be near you again

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I closed my book after reading the last poem to see a dozen hands raised. I pointed to a lady know as Savannah.

"Wait so what happened after graduation? Did y'all ever see each other again?"

"Eventually yes, we spent a lot of time apart once I started traveling"

"That's a vague ass answer" the crowd and myself started laughing. I was at my Q&A for my best seller Blue Butterflies as people were given the opportunity to ask me any prolonged questions they may have. Since it's been five years, Langston thought it would be a great idea to host this event. I was not expecting so many people to be present during this time.

"Yeah I agree with her, she taught you how to love again and have a reason to be here and y'all still went separate ways" I took a sip from my water as I raised the mic back to my mouth.

"We were still together, she was in graduate school and I was occupied with my book launch. That first year we barely got to see each other or spend time together. We both decided to take a break since our lives were on two different courses" another hand raised.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"Leah, so does this mean your on the market" I looked over at Langston who started laughing. Some of the other women in the crowd was agreeing with her.

"Ladies ask Mr. Smith questions about the book and not his love life"

"Is there any other questions?" I asked. One hand raised catching my attention.

"Did faith every bring y'all back together" a smile caressed my face.

I was walking my dog Milo down the trail towards the dog park as I was on a business call with Langston. The first year of my book launch was tiresome. I was constantly on the phone, traveling, or answering emails. I knew he said it was a lot of work but I didn't expect it to be this busy.

"Can we ask them to to reconsider the offer?" I asked as I stood to the side to let Milo relieve himself by the trash can.

"When is the next press release expected?"  My eyes traveled to the top of the trash can as I watched a Blue butterfly fly past and land on my hand holding Milo's leash.

"Isn't that a coincidence" I mumbled with a smile.

"Hey Langston let me call you back" I ended the call as I watched it fly off my hand and behind me. I turned around as my eyes saw her. She was standing in her workout clothes catching her breath . The butterfly landed on her phone. A smile etched on her face, one I loved seeing everyday.

Blue ButterfliesWhere stories live. Discover now