chapter 16- the ball pt.1

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"Charity Masquerade Ball @ Town Hall (all citizens of Selbrook allowed entry)." I read out the poster outside of Jade's Ice Cream Parlour out loud.

I paint a confused expression on my face, wondering why Jacob would show me a poster of a charity ball.

Jacob notices my confused expression and he tries his best to convince me to go.

"Come on, isn't it fun, life's too short to waste opportunities like this," He says in the most convincingly mischievous voice he could muster.

"Wait, so, you want us to crash this ball?" I question, not believing that he's being serious.

"Yes," He says firmly.

"Well, cant we just go, it says all citizens of Selbrook are allowed entry," I say.

"No this charity hall is different, the entry payment is expensive and every hour you need to pay an additional price to be there, or else you'll be kicked it," He explains thoroughly, "They only want the rich and powerful in this charity ball."

"Yeah, okay, but why are we crashing a charity event, that's like really rude."

I try to get him to understand what he's really suggesting for us to do.

"Come on, do you really think they're going to donate that money?" He raises a pretty good point, "This town is full of filthy, greedy scammers. They'd probably take 50% of the money and donate the other 50."

I nod my head in agreement, but I'm still having second thoughts about all of this.

Jacob notices and he places his veiny hand onto my waist. I'm wearing a crop top so I can feel his rough hand on my torso.

The butterflies are returning but this time they're the strongest they've ever been.

"Do it for me," He says.

I still keep a doubtful look on my face.

"Pretty please?" He looks at me with those eyes and I already gave up on resisting.

"Fine," I say reluctantly, rolling my eyes at him.

I notice Jacob puts his 'up to no good' face on. He drags me by my arm and we run up to his car.

I enter it excitedly for what's to to come.

We pull up to the mall and we use the escalator to go to the stores on the higher floor. We go to the formalwear store and what a sight for sore eyes.

The dresses I saw were gorgeous. Absolutely magnificent. All of them having elegance while still maintaining persona and life.

"Go on, I know you're eager to try them on, so for for it," Jacob says encouragingly.

"You don't have to tell me twice," I say with a warm smile.

I gather multiple dresses that caught my eye when I first walked into the shop and I try them on in the changing rooms.

The first one is a baby pink ruffled tulle dress.

I walked out and Jacob examined how it looked on me.

"Hmm, no I don't like it," He stated his opinion and I moved onto the next dress.

It was a deep red mermaid dress with a slit up the leg. It was very daring, I must say.

Again, I showed Jacob the dress and just like last time, he didn't like it.

I was beginning to lose hope.

I put on the final dress which was a sage green satin dress which hugged my body.

I can tell Jacob has a loss for words. That confirms that this dress is the one.

He goes up to the till and pays for the dress.

"By the way, that dress looked stunning on you," He said finally. I guess he found his words again.

I could tell he was in awe, I mean why wouldn't he be.

We head to the costume shop and we end up buying 2 black lace masks so we can match.

Jacob drives me back home and I tell him to park not so close to my house. I don't want my parents thinking I have a boyfriend.

"Alright. I'll pick you up at 8," He winks at me.

This is definitely going to be fun. I think. I hope.

hope you enjoyed this chapter
word count- 701

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