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I rolled to straddle Rama. My thighs on either side of his hips. The manly smell of him everywhere in the room. I looked around. We were naked, skin to skin and surrounded in more luxury than I had ever seen. Rama's room was even more ornate than the room I had stayed in, while at the castle.

The stone outer walls, thick, carved wooden trim and decoration on every architectural detail. Thick carpets, and drapes. Fine art on the walls, golden cups, chalices, and dishes waiting with every pleasure we could desire. Beautiful gold and crystal chandeliers lighting the room with a warm glow. Everything was immaculate. Perfect and royal.

Except it didn't feel right. This wasn't how I wanted to take my mate. He had taken me in nature. I wanted that same pleasure. I leaned down, grinding myself against Rama's thigh. Kissing along his collar bones, punctuated with sharp nips of my teeth. Following the trail along his jaw, to his ear, whispering. "Take me somewhere beautiful outside." I didn't want us to be joined forever trapped under wood and stone. I wanted green around us and clear air and sky.

Rama surged upwards, stealing my lips with his. Plundering my mouth with his tongue as he snapped his fingers and transported us to a warm pool. I looked out and around. Trying to make sense of where we were. I saw the steep cliffs, and a nearly familiar waterfall across the chasm. "I've been here before?" I said. Unsure if I was right in my mind, but my heart was sure.

"You have, my love." Rama said, guiding my hips until his cock was nuzzling at the entrance to my dripping channel in the warm spring water. I shifted my hips so the blunt head of his cock slipped through my folds and into my body. I lowered myself at a languid pace, taking him fully inside me. "This is the same body of water you travelled to start your hike Avalon, the now landlocked Western Sea." Rama explained to me as his hands gripped my hips, helping to rock my body up and down on his cock.

I started to ride Rama's length, hard, seeking everything I wanted from him as his hands gripped my hips and helped me plunge his length deeper inside my body. Until he was hitting something deep inside that was making my eyes flutter every time he bottomed out inside me.

This was perfect. The stars were beginning to twinkle in the sky. The spring water was oddly warm around us, the moss and shrub thick and verdant in the rocky terrain around us. "How are we here?" This was outside his kingdom, the place he couldn't leave.

"I am no longer cursed Avalon, you are my mate, my love, and my freedom. Where you go I may follow. Where your heart beats is my home." I felt how much he meant every word. Could feel his devotion to me, his love, his joy.

"I love you." I said. Feeling my face partially shift, teeth elongating in my mouth. I watched in awe as Rama bared his throat to me. Never faltering in his rhythm of pounding my pussy from below. My hand was in his hair as my teeth sunk into his flesh and I finally felt our bond complete. I felt my body convulse as waves of pleasure washed over me. The tangy taste of Rama on my tongue as my pussy milked his cock. Taking all he had to give me.

As I came, the bond completed. I heard a terrifying loud scream. Only realising it was me when I heard Rama trying to figure out what was wrong. Everything suddenly felt too hot. My skin was wrong. I jumped out of the water. Feeling a shift erupting without my control. Except it felt wrong. It never felt like this before.

I had an enormous headache, more pain than I had ever felt during a shift. My legs felt like they were getting too thin to support me. The only familiar feeling was the itching under my skin as a thick pelt erupted from bare skin.

It only took a moment, then it was over. I felt unbalanced. Standing on two legs. My head felt unusually heavy. "Avalon." I heard Rama, he sounded shocked, his voice small. "You are the Horned God reborn," Rama rose from the hotspring. Water sluicing down his perfect chiselled body. Easily shifting to his Lycan from. While we were shifted we were nearly eye to eye. Except I realised by our shadows that my new, towering antlers made me three feet or more taller than him. I smiled. Realising how evenly matched we would be now.

"Hunt me and prove you are worthy of my devotion Rama." I said before taking off. Able to prowl so much faster. Feeling so much stronger than I ever had. Rama gave me a sporting headstart. Before he bellowed a howl to the moon. Signalling he was giving chase. I wanted him to catch me, I wasn't going to make it easy though.

Three years later

"Show me Aaron." I asked the magic pool. My annual tradition on Aaron's birthday. He had mated by choice to a widow with a young daughter six months after he had found me in Rama's kingdom. Six months from when I had set him free, and restarted his life. They had had two more children together since. He looked happy in his life. He didn't seem to remember me, no more than a blurry memory from his childhood. I was glad the mess his mate had made hadn't stuck to him. I waved the pool away. Smiling. 

"Mommy!" Roman came running from the garden I had dedicated to my mother. The toddler loved flowers, Rama relished taking his son out and naming as many of my mother's favourite flowers, fruits, vegetables, and other flora as he could. It was a way we could stay connected to my past.

My sweet toddler boy threw himself into my arms, from the side. Careful to avoid hitting the very round and protruding bump in my middle that was his sibling. Due to arrive any day. "Did you learn any new flowers?" I asked my sweet wonderful boy. A near clone of his father.

"Daddy showed me Feverfew flower." The f sounds were more like v's, but I knew which flower he meant. The very rounded daisy like flowers with sharp coned button middles.

"What did daddy say about Feverfew my love?" I asked my darling son, scooping him into my arms.

"It's a medi sign plant. Nana Betsy loved medi sign plants." He looked at me with suspicion that only a toddler can manifest as they figure out the world. "Daddy said Nana could talk to grass." Accusing me of that being a lie.

"Nana Betsy was special, she followed the Way of the Grass and in turn the grass and roots of the earth helped her." I started to explain my mother's religion to the best of my knowledge to my son. feeling like my mother was watching us with pride. Feeling as his sibling kicked at me from the inside as I spoke.

I looked around the gardens, Rama coming to sit beside me, taking our son from my bump filed lap to his own. Sitting on the bench beside me. "Aaron is still well I hope?" Never jealous, Rama understood that Aaron was the last link I had to the world I had willingly left behind. Much happier in Rama's Kingdom, offering sanctuary to any who made it to our kingdom.

"He is, I think his mate is expecting again." I smiled at Rama. His hand resting under my hand where our next baby was kicking fiercely.

"You are never more beautiful to me than before you bring our child into this world, you know that my love?" Rama asked me. The heat evident in his voice. My body clenched in response.

"Perhaps Rutherford would like to watch Roman tonight, It would be nice to have some time along with you before a new babe requires our attention." My suggestion pointed.

"Rutherford already agreed this morning to play nanny to the young prince." Rama answered. Kissing along my jaw and igniting the fire that only he could quench.

"Then call Rutherford, I'm ready for my king." Was my reply.

The End

Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed! Going to be working on finishing Song of the Sea next. 

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