Finding out

87 3 4

Published: October 10 2022
Requested by: shimmerpuppylover


He was at Starling City, Sebastian just got out of the courtroom, he then got a call from a name he wasn't expecting.

Joe West

Barry's foster Father, His twin's foster father.

He quickly accepted it, he wants to know what's happening in order to protect his baby brother.

"Joe? Is something wrong?" Sebastian asked through the phone.

"Barry's in the hospital!" Joe said worriedly, Sebastian's heart started racing.

"What happened?" He said already getting in the car.

"He got struck by lightning in his lab!" Joe said through the phone.

"I'm on my way!!" He then hung up and started driving to Central city, but first. He called his husband, Hunter.

"Hello?" Hunter asked through the phone.

"Barry's in the hospital!!" He said back, his eyes focused on the road not giving a damn about the speed limit.

"Barry's in the hospi- Wait...Sebastian you're driving!"

"How else am I gonna go to Central city Idiot!"

"Ok ok, Sebastian hang up and focus on the ro-"

"I am focused Hunter!" Sebastian yelled angrily.

"'I'll be at Central City as fast as I can Bas." Hunter replied and dropped the call.

Sebastian continued driving to Central City, his brother is the only one he has left, their mother got murdered when they were younger, their father got sent to jail even tho he didn't do it. He can't lose Barry.

After what it felt like hours, Sebastian rushed to the hospital front desk.

"Hi I'm here for Barry Allen?"

The nurse looked at the computer, "I'm sorry sir but we don't have-"

"Bartholomew Henry Allen, he got strucked by lightning, Tall, green eyes, lanky." Sebastian rambled as the nurse continued looking at the computer.

"Oh, he just checked in. What's your relationship with Mr. Allen Sir?"

"How about you look at me and check hm?!" Sebastian was furious.

"Sebastian.." he heard a voice, it was Iris.

"Iris, where's Barry?" Sebastian then asked.

"The doctors are working on him." Iris cried.

Sebastian's eyes started tearing up.

I can't lose him.

I can't lose him...

I can't lose him!

Those words rang in Sebastian's head, he then saw Joe.

"Joe! How's Barry?" Sebastian quickly said.

"He's....He's in a coma..." Joe looked down.

Sebastian's heart felt like it was stabbed with a million needles. a coma?

"Please tell me this isn't true Joe." Sebastian mumbled.

"It's..t-true." Joe mumbled again.

"Can I see him?" Sebastian looked at Joe, Joe nodded as Sebastian went to the room. Finding his comatose Brother.


"This isn't right..."

"This isn't f*cking right..." Sebastian whispered as tears clouded his eyes, he then felt to strong arms wrap around him.

"He's strong like you Sebastian, Barry can make it." Hunter assured him.

"I can't lose him Hunter, he's all I have left" Sebastian sobbed.

"You won't, I promise you that." Hunter kissed his forehead as Sebastian continued sobbing.


Sebastian was sitting on a chair beside his comatose twin's bed. Watching the monitor.

"Bastian." Joe walked in with a cup of Jitters coffee and gave it to Sebastian.


"You should go home now, I'll keep an eye on him." Joe said.

"I will go home if Barry goes home." Sebastian took a sip of coffee.


"I won't leave him Joe, and you can't make me." Sebastian glared at the man.

The two jumped as Barry's heart rate went flat and he started seizing.

"Help my son is seizing!!" Joe called out at the door attracting the doctor and nurses.

"I need the room." The nurses pushed Sebastian and Joe out, Sebastian was shocked.

"Save him."

"Save him!"

Sebastian's heart was racing, it couldn't stop. Joe was terrified, both of them were.

Joe went to the bathroom, leaving Sebastian standing there alone. Looking at his brother seizing as the doctors don't know what's wrong with him.

"They can't save him."

Sebastian turjed around just to see Dr. Wells, lookong at him.

"But I can."

"I know who you are, you're the scientist Barry's obsessed with." Sebastian said emotionlessly.

"Dr. Harrison Wells, interesting enough my facility is the very place I would like to take him." Wells began.

"You're out of your mind, you blew a frickin hole in the city." Sebastian was angry.

"I'm not gonna try and convince you with promises. But Mr. Allen-"


"Well Mr. Smythe, give me a chance-"

"I think we already know what you are capable of Doctor. You hurted alot of people that night, including my brother." Sebastian glared at the man on a wheelchair.

"So those doctors in there, are they good enough? Best in the city? Best in the country?" Wells looked at the doctors who have no idea what was going on with Barry.

"Look at them, they have no clue what's going on. They're baffled, and the reason for that is what's happening inside Barry is a mystery. And they don't have the tools to solve it." Wells explained.

"But you do." Sebastian was terrified deep down, all of them were.

"That's right, millions of people used to look at my lab and what did they see? they saw the future. Well let me take that technology, let me take that know how into ensuring that your brother actually has a future."

"Mr Smythe, let me save him." Wells added.

Sebastian thought for a moment, would he let the man who did this to Barry help him? Or will he just let the doctors handle this? "Then save him." That was all he could answer.

Finally finished! And there is no part 2 for this.

Has llegado al final de las partes publicadas.

⏰ Última actualización: Oct 10, 2022 ⏰

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