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"For billions to survive, the Flash must die."

This was it, this was Barry's finish line, he needs to do this for his family, his friends, his wife, for the city...

Barry was holding the camera, he wants to give the city a message first before he dies...

Barry turned on the camera, no one sees his face, his suit was covering his identity.

"Hello Central city..." Barry said as he looked at the red skies, "This will probably the last time you'll ever see me. But I just want to say, for the past years of me being the Flash, has been the best." Barry said, Kara then arrived.

Barry pulled down his cowl, " Barry! I couldn't find J'onn!" Kara yelled, her voice breaking.

"Barry?" Kara looked at him, a tear dropped from his eye.

"It was fun being the Flash, but I reached my finish line." Barry said through the camera.

He looked at Kara, he gave her the camera, "Give this to Iris ok? Tell her I love her." Barry said, tearing up.

"I will." Kara said, tearing up aswell.

"I'll miss you Supergirl."

"I will miss you too Flash."

The two friends hugged and let go, Barry puts on his cowl and whooshed to the area, before exploding.

The next day, There were no crimes, but someone published an article.

"The Flash vanishes after Crisis."

Theories are heard, reddit exploded, wondering what happened to their helpful hero.

Then someone published something else...

It was a video.

Play if you wanna know what happened.

People got curious, they played the video, after, tears started falling.

The police officers were heartbroken, now knowing Barry Allen, their lovable CSI, sacrificed himself for the world.

Singh and the others were trying to comfort Joe, but it didn't help.

Iris, was Barry's treasure, she was the first thing Barry could think of. The young woman was heartbroken, her husband died.

Iris publised the article and video, crying her eyes out. She just lost her daughter, now her husband.

Team Flash was doing everything they can to help Iris, but they were also broken.

Everyone was mourning, For The Flash.

For Barry Allen.

Missing him, but they know Barry wants them to be strong, so they just kept it in.

Goodbye to The Flash.

Goodbye to Barry Allen.

Sorry this was short and sad, but I have to do it.

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