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Published: July 27 2022

(By the way, there are some words in different language, so they are all google translated.)

Barry woke up and saw his Fiance Iris sleeping peacefully, he got up and sped to the bathroom.

He is a secret agent in R.A.G.E with his fiance Iris West, he is also the Flash.

No one knew about them being agents, not even Joe.

Barry took a shower, Meanwhile Iris woke up by the sound of the shower, she didn't saw Barry so she knew it was him.

Iris got up and wore one of Barry's hoodie, she then saw Barry got out of the shower, hummimg while drying his hair.

"Morning Babe." Iris said as she walked over to him.

"Morning there sweetheart." Barry said as he grabbed her waist and kissed her.

Barry broke the kiss and smiled, it has been a month since he proposed, he couldn't wait to marry her.

"I'm gonna take a shower." Iris said as she kissed his cheek and walked in the bathroom.

The door closed, Barry brushed his hair, after he went downstairs to cook breakfast.

"Eggs and Bacon coming right up."
Barry then started cooking, he sped to the other side of the kitchen and cut the fruits.

After a few minutes, Iris went downstairs all dressed up.

"Hey there babe." Iris said as she kissed him.

Barry broke the kiss after a few seconds, "Hi love." Barry smiled once again, Iris always loved his smiles and kisses, his smile lights her up while his kisses are just passionate. She always loved him, and she will forever.

"Do you want breakfast?" Barry said as he gives him a plate with eggs, bacon, and strawberries.

"Of course." Iris said as they both sat down and started to eat.

"So, any updates from Cooper?" Iris asked, Cooper is one of the agents in R.A.G.E, he is also one of the medical experts in the facility.

"No, not yet." Barry said as he took a bite of a strawberry.

"Hm, are you ok hoing on this mission? Cause you know, about what happened to Sebastian..." Iris said, Barry sighed.


"Allen, Smythe, you ready?" Agent Smith said through the comms.

"Yes sir." Barry said while hiding behind a tree holding his gun.

"Roger sir." Sebastian said as he silently nodded at his twin.

Barry started firing the special bullets to the floating black creature, it growled as it looked at Sebastian, the creature flew to him and grabbed Seb's neck, Seb started to choke as Barry watched in horror.

"Leave him alone you jerk!" Barry kicked the creature which made Sebastian drop on the ground, Barry used his superspeed to chase the creature.

"Sebastian, you ok?" Agent Cooper  asked.

"I'm fine Cooper." Sebastian through the comms.

"Barry? Where is he?" Agent Smith said.

"I don't know, I can't see it." Barry looked around in the dark.

"Uh guys, I found it..." Sebastian said as  the creature kept approaching to him. he took his gun out of his pocket and started to fire, but unfortunately, the bullets flew out of him like a ghost.

 The Flash One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now