Identity revealed

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Published: July 26 2022

The officers in The precinct find The CSI Barry Allen as their baby brother, or in Singh's case, as a son. When Barry first went to the precinct is when he was 11, as years go by he started to have a connection with everyone.

Everyone loves Barry, I mean, who wouldn't right?

Bree, the receptionist would always give him some brownies, one time they even threw him a birthday party when he was younger.


Barry was at his lab, waiting for the results of the test(no, not the test in school)

Just then, he heard gun shots from downstairs.

"What the heck?" Barry said as he went downstairs and saw a man holding a gun at the police.

The man noticed Barry, he then pointed his gun at him.

"Well well well, isn't it the CSI." The man pointed the gun at Barry.

"Leave Allen alone!" One of the officers yelled.

"Leave our CSI alone you Moron!" Maggie, one of the officers said.

"Fire!" Singh yelled.

Guns shot the man, but the bullets bounced of him. It was clear that he's a meta.

The man laughed, "looks like your little toys are useless." The man looked at the officers who were out of bullets.

The man aimed and fired to Captain Singh.

Everything slowed down, Barry ran with superspeed and catched the bullets with his hands.

Everything went back to Normal, well, except when everyone saw a blur.

"The Flash was here all along? What a suprise."

"Lets just get this over with." Barry growled.

The next thing you know, it ended up in a fight.

Barry got thrown through the office, with a bloody nose.

"Allen!" Singh ran to Barry who was lying down.

"What type of Hero are you if you keep falling down?" The man laughed like a maniac.

Barry then phased through the floors, he raced to Star labs and grabbed his suit, he then raced 5 meters(or is it miles?) away from the precinct he took a deep breath and then raised to the precinct.

"Barry? What are you doing?" Cisco asked through the comms.

"I am going to do a supersonic punch since the meta in the precinct is like Girder." Barry said.

"Oh- wait what?! There is a meta in CCPD?" Cisco asked.

"Isn't that what I said?" Barry spat back as he punched the meta in superspeed. As the man fell down.

Barry cuffed the meta, he then took him to Iron heights then went back to Star labs.

" hand." Barry squeaked.

"Let me take a look." Caitlin said she examines his hand.

"13 fractures, just take it slow." Caitlin said.

"Thanks." Barry said as he looked at his bandaged hand, he went back to CCPD, ignoring all of the faces looking at him, he went back to his lab.

"Barry, uh, so the officers are kinda curious now so maybe you can explain it to them?" Joe said.


"Well, Maggie is about to explode." Joe said.

"Ok, I don't want Maggie storming in here." Barry went downstairs finding all of the people has eyes on him.

"You have some explaining to do Allen."
Maggie said.

"Alright fine..." Barry started explaining the whole thing from the start, after that, everyone went back to their respectful places.

Barry Allen, the sunshine boy, the Flash? It is almost unbelievable.

After that, no one complaines why Barry is always late.

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