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Requested by: shimmerpuppylover
Published: July 23 2022

Barry was watching the news about the particle accelerator, he was very excited, even tho he wasn't able to go to it.

Just then, he looked at the window The particle accelerator exploded. The power went out as he noticed the sky light was leaking(is that how you spell it?) He then pulled the chains from the sky light as he heard a rumbling sound.

He looked at the shelves as he saw the liquids floating. He then looked up at the sky, as lightning struck him.

Barry fell on top of a shelf, as chemicals everywhere were spilled.

It has been a long day, every officer is on duty, Captain Singh was doing paperwork, while watching the news, until he heard a crash upstairs.

Wait- It can't be...

Singh ran out of his office shoving away the officers who have questioning looks in their faces, he went to Barry's lab finding it a mess, but his heart dropped as he saw the limp on top of the fallen shelf.

"Allen!" Singh ignored the spilled chemicals and broked glass everywhere, he tried waking Barry up, but no luck.

He then saw Officer Maggie passing by, "Maggie! Call An ambulance!" Singh yelled, Maggie walked in finding Barry unconscious on top of the shelf.

Maggie quickly called 911, she then left to call Joe.

Singh picked up Barry fireman style and went downstairs finding the precinct officers.

After 30 minutes, the paramedics arrived, they took Barry in the ambulance and left, with Joe inside.

The officers started to worry, they all are, they loved Barry like he was their baby brother, but now that the sunshine boy is in the hospital, who knows what will happen to him.

The next day, Joe arrived, but no Barry.
When Singh saw Joe, he immediately went to him.

"West, is Allen ok?" Singh asked.

"He's in a coma." Joe said in a sad tone.

After the news, the precinct then became gloomy.

The first month, everyone was quiet, not a peep.

The second month, it's still the same, a dark cloud looming over the department. Everyone misses their happy CSI.

The third month, nothing changed, well, except the crimes.

9 months later...

It has been 9 months, Barry was transferred to S.T.A.R labs, and the precinct is still the same.

Just then, the elevator ding, Barry walked in the precinct. Making the officers faces light up.

"Allen!" Singh ran out of his office to Barry.

"Hey Captain." Barry smiled.

"It's good to see you." Singh said.

Now that Barry Allen is back, the whole precinct has its baby brother.

Sorry if it's short. But, I hope you enjoy!

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