Chapter 17

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3rd Person POV

"Phi Forth, your parents are calling you for dinner."

Beam had found Forth standing in the garden. He stood two hand distance from Forth and told him to join the dinner.

Forth didn't bother to move a muscle. Beam near him and repeated his sentence.

"Phi Forth..." Beam said Forth's name in a pleading tone after repeating the sentence with the same calm tone.

"Enjoyed much?" Forth asked Beam as he turned to face Beam. Beam saw tears in Forth's eyes.


"Enjoyed much?? Did you enjoy fooling me? I believed you but you fooled me and my family." Forth said with a hurting tone.

It is now that Beam realised what he had done. He had revealed himself.

He had run to Forth's room. Everyone knows that no one other than Mae, Phi Day and Dream is allowed to enter Forth's room. Beam had shown everyone that he not only knew about Forth's allergy but also about his medicines and where was it kept.

He was scared to know what their parents would do now.

Dream heard what Forth told Beam.

"Phi Forth... My intention was to..." Beam wanted to say but was cut by his sister.

"Phi Forth, Beam had told me to do it." Dream said to Forth. "I wanted to participate in the modelling competition. Beam told me that I should follow my dream and he will take my place."

Forth looked at Dream.

"Dream, please come inside, tell everyone what you told me. Beam's evil deeds need to be exposed. And tell him not to run away. Ask him to follow us."

It was sooner than Beam had expected. He knew this secret would come out someday. He had tears in his eyes not because he was getting exposed but because he had broken the trust of all the people around him. He would lose them all because of his foolishness.

He knew that Dream would blame everything on him but he was ready. If his sister and Forth would be happy together he was ready to take the blame.

Mr and Mrs Jathurapoom were standing in the living room along with the Baramee couple. Phi Day and Phi Chai were standing far from them but still could hear if they would say something. Other people were still on the terrace. They were cleaning the terrace. It was Phi Day's order.

When Beam, Forth and Dream came inside they stood in front of their parents.

"Dream, tell everyone what you told me outside without being afraid." Forth told to Dream.

"It all started when I got selected in the modelling competition which was going to be held in the US. Our marriage was fixed and invitations were sent. Beam knew that it was my dream project so he came up with the idea that... I would go to the US and he would stay here as Dream with Phi Forth.

I told him it was not good. I told him that lying to our parents and Phi Forth's parents was not good. But he didn't listen. He said I should go. He forced me to go and was married to Phi Forth...

When I returned from there, he told me to act as if I had lost my memories."

Dream was crying with her crocodile tears and acting all innocent.

"So, you mean the person who married Forth was not you but Beam?" Por asked Dream.

"Yes. It was him."

"He left and you came after your accident?" Mae asked her.

Dream nodded.

"Was it all his plan?"

Dream nodded again.

"Was it all your plan, Beam?" Mae asked loudly, making Beam shiver with fear. Beam still wanted to save his sister and her marriage so he kept his head low and nodded.

"Day..." Mae called Phi Day and she came with some books.

"YOUR PLANNING WAS REALLY RECKLESS," Mae shouted. Beam flinched at her voice.

"You should have taken these books with you to hide your secret." Beam looked at the books. He realised that those books were bought by him for studying for his Masters entrance exam. he had forgotten those in Lucy's room.

"I really believe you, Dream. Beam had so many reasons to do so. First, he wanted to help his sister to follow her dream." Everyone was shocked to hear Mr Baramee.

Beam's father was a person of less word. Beam was shocked to hear his father talking against him but he couldn't do anything.

Mr Baramee continued, "It would have been his dream to wear female clothes and act like a woman.

It was in Beam's favour that he got selected by Wayer Corp. The company he would join as the last option. It was Beam's plan to run away to Wayer Corp. Indeed.

It was Beam's plan to make everyone believe that you lost your memories so that he can run away from this house and keep you in his place which was taken by him."

Everyone was listening to Mr Baramee. Beam was shocked and scared.

Por who was silent from the beginning asked Dream.

"And indeed, it was his plan to hide everything from everyone.

And what did he get? He got everything that was on his to-do list.

To do house chores. Learn cooking. Because he could never have leant how to cook or do house chores from his mother.

He asked you to follow your dreams so that he could take your place and disguise himself as a woman, wear your clothes in which he was so uncomfortable, do house chores that he never did in his life, and study at night after every tiring day." Dream didn't dare to look up at Por.

"He got satisfaction from crying himself to sleep every night after you returned.

He indeed would have been thrilled to do all this. So, yes. It was Beam's plan.

Am I right, Dream?" Mr Baramee asked his daughter.

"I AM ASKING SOMETHING! LOOK AT ME AND ANSWER." Mr Baramee's voice thundered in Jathurapoom Villa.

Dream was still unable to answer. "Don't you even dare to fall unconscious on the floor and act in front of me?" Mr Baramee shouted at his daughter, who had held her head in her hands to show that she was going to faint. Her father knew her very well.

"Mr and Mrs Jathurapoom, and Forth. I apologise on behalf of my kids." Mrs Bramee, Beam's mother apologised to their host.

"It was my mistake too. I knew from the beginning that it was Beam in the wedding dress on the wedding day."

Everyone was shocked to hear this. Even her husband.

"How can a mother not recognise her own kid?

I knew this and so I called on Beam's number but Dream received it. She told me that she will return in two days. She convinced me of her life threat. She told me to keep my mouth shut or I would not see her ever again. My weak mother's heart could only do what she asked.

After two days she called me and told me that she had returned and Beam went to Korea. She always called me to tell me how happy she was with Forth. I had called Mrs Jathurapoom too and she told me that Dream was quite happy there in the new house.

I had called Beam several times but I only got his messages. I only talked to him once a month and I didn't even doubt why he was not talking with me regularly like Dream. Beam was never so talkative with strangers and I thought he was busy with his work so I didn't bother to ask.

One day, all of a sudden Beam returned home crying at night and he didn't even say anything. He left for Korea the next day. I was wondering why he would fly to Thailand from Korea just for a day.

The thing I missed there was that Beam came without a bag but he went with a big bag.

I didn't realise this small thing until I met Mrs Jathurapoom."

Mrs Baramee told everyone. "I am sorry, Beam. I failed as a mother to understand what my son had to go through."


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