Chapter 15

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3rd person POV

"Can you not ask Dad?" Dream was shouting while talking on the phone. "No, no. I won't." "Are you kidding me?" "...Then ask Mom." "Keep the phone."

Dream cut the call with irritated expressions.

"What happened?" Forth asked her.

"My brother is asking me to lend him a huge amount of money," Dream told Forth.

"Why does he need it?" Forth asked. Beam didn't seem to ask money without any far reason. He met Beam in Korea and he found it quiet decent. To be true he felt a pull and attraction to Beam.

"He wants to pay the fees for someone. Like... He just met someone at the entrance exam of MS. Results are out and Beam got a scholarship. But this certain boy wanted to study with a scholarship but couldn't score well. Now Beam is feeling sorry for him and wants to sponsor his course!!!"

"That's nice." Forth said. He likes the idea of helping someone in need.

"What's nice? Beam is stupid. He doesn't know people. These poor people just find someone rich and then cry their eyes out to trap rich fools like Beam. The boy says he will return all the money later. As if he will! And being a fool, Beam trusted him and agreed to help him."

"But he was just asking to borrow the money. The boy said he will return it to him and then Beam will return it when he gets some, won't he?"

"Who knows if he return the money to him or not! How will he handle business of Dad if he keeps on believing fake people like that boy," Dream said.

"And how do you know that boy was fake?" Forth asked. "Your brother must have thought thorough it."

"To tell you, he had enough amount in his account a few months ago and that would be enough to pay for two more students. And now suddenly he doesn't have money? He is not even telling where he spent that money." Dream shouted at him.

"Should I lend him some money? At least for the admission process?" Forth asked.

"No. Thanks." Dream replied.

"Then, you should help your brother once." Forth tried to convince Dream. He still remembered Beam's face when he went to Korea.

"Why does everyone think that I am a bad person? You too judged me. Do you even love me?" Dream shouted at Forth in the night.

"I didn't judge you. I was telling you my opinion. And to be honest I don't even feel like you were the same person I loved."

"You mean you don't love me?"

"I don't know."

"What do you mean by you don't know? I was the star of my university, I am one of the hottest models in the industry, I will be signing a contract with a beauty product advertisement," she opened the closet where her clothes were kept. "These clothes, these accessories... Do you see them? Many of them are specially made for me, do you know why? Because I'm worthy of it. I ..."

"Can you fucking stop talking about yourself? If you want me to love you there should be some space for your husband in your life. It's always I, me, myself in this relationship you're talking about. Where is 'us' in your life?"

"You shouldn't call me your husband. You haven't even touched me yet like a husband." Dream said angrily. She had buried the anger about Beam and Forth's first night. She had deliberately brought this topic so Forth should talk about that night but the plan didn't go according to her thought.

Forth was enraged but he sighed. He was tired of every day's quarrels. And to be honest, how could he possibly bring himself to touch his wife romantically when every time they talk it's never a good conversation but a quarrel like this?

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