Chapter 16

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3rd Person POV

Mae and Phi Day weren't at ease. The same thought was bothering them both. They just wanted to confirm their doubt.

Mae decided to invite the Baramee family on Por's birthday. Por's birthday was next week so they had plenty of time for preparation and planning.

As usual, Dream was not interested in the preparation for Por's birthday. She just ignored it.

Mae called Mrs Baramee to invite the Baramee family for Por's birthday.

Beam arrived at the Jathurapoom Villa with his Mom and Dad in the afternoon. He remembered how Forth had carried him inside the house in his arms. Everything was familiar to him yet it didn't belong to him. He saw Phi Wen plucking some flowers in the garden. He saw Phi Byu who was carrying some bags and instructed someone to keep them inside. He wanted to greet them but he had decided to act like a stranger. He didn't wish to reveal that he knew them.

He entered the house with his parents and they were greeted by Mae. "Hello, young man. Nice to meet you again." Mae greeted him.

Beam's parents knew that Beam had met Mrs Jathurapoom before so they were not surprised.

Forth had taken his Por with him to the office today. Every year some gifts were given to the employees on Mr Jathurapoom 's birthday. They were supposed to arrive in the evening. Beam felt relieved that Forth wasn't there.

"Mrs Jathurapoom, where is the party? I can't see any preparations in the garden or inside the house." Beam's mother asked Forth's mother.

"Oh, we have decided to celebrate it on the terrace. It's the place which Por approves of celebrating. He doesn't like a mess in the house or garden. So, someone found this beautiful idea to celebrate it on the terrace." Mae told Mom. Mae looked at Beam while speaking and saw him averting his gaze.

"Who was it?" Asked Mrs Baramee.

"Who other than your smart kid?" Mae answered.

Beam smiled. He was the one to come up with that idea and it was so fun back then.

"Mom... Dad..." Dream came running from the stairs. She hugged them as if she had met them after a year. Mrs Baramee, who had met her daughter just two days ago, hugged her back.

"Mr Baramee, and Beam, please sit in the living room. Por and Forth will come in a while." Mae told Beam's father. Beam and his father went to the living room.

"Dream, please help Mae in the kitchen," Mae told Dream. Dream couldn't reject her in front of her own mom so she followed Mae unwillingly with a fake smile. Mrs Baramee joined them.

Beam got bored and started to take a walk outside and then he saw Lucy. Lucy ran towards Beam and when he recognized Beam she started licking him and jumping on him and running around him. Beam hugged Lucy and he couldn't stop his happy tears.

"I missed you to my baby. I missed you a lot," Beam whispered to Lucy and Lucy kept licking him more.

When Forth's car entered the house, the first person he saw was Beam playing with Lucy. Beam started fidgeting in his place as he saw Forth. Both had seen each other after a month.

Beam's heart was racing happily to see Forth in front of him. Beam told himself that Forth loved Dream but that wasn't helping now.

Forth and Beam bowed each other. Forth went inside the house and saw Dream's parents and greeted them. "We will join you in a few minutes," Por said to their guests. Forth and his father went to their respective room to get refreshed and change themselves into new clothes.

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