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After a couple of seconds of both of their heads pounding painfully, Albus finally found the connection between Zoe and Cedric and accessed it, letting both of them see what Cedric saw while simultaneously being visible to him.

What they saw was honestly what they had expected to find, even though they hoped it wasn't the case.

The entire house was in ruins, fallen ceilings, destroyed walls and decorations, and debris everywhere.

Out in the corner they spotted Lily crying over Scorpious body, making constant desperate attempts to raise the chunk of wall on top of him.

Only the mere sight nearly had Albus breaking into a sprint to go and see his best friend. But Zoe caught on to his forearm and pulled him back.

"You can't do anything here, let me handle it." With teary eyes, Albus nodded, letting Zoe step forwards while he hid behind a boulder.

"Cedric!" His head immediately snapped away from James' fiery gaze and instead met Zoe's with a wicked smirk.


"Don't say her name, asshole!" Zoe smiled lightly at James even though he couldn't see her. Cedric decided to ignore him.

"To what do I owe the pleasure, Z?" James' face contorted into confusion, his eyes darting around trying to find Zoe.

"Leave them alone Cedric."

"Or what?" Zoe raised her wand from her pocket, clenching her fist as tight as she could by her side to prevent her other arm from trembling.

"Or it won't be pretty for either one of us." Finally James seemed to catch on and looked towards the direction where Cedric was looking.

"Z... what are you doing?" Cedric smirked at her further, once again ignoring James' panicked expression.

"Do your worst."

"Al, do it."

Springing out from behind the boulder, Albus pointed his wand at Zoe's head and begun muttering a spell, and before either of them both her and Cedric were falling on their knees in pain.

What most didn't know was that if occlumensy was done incorrectly, it could pretty much twist a person's insides, squish their conscience and flip their organs until they had blood pouring out every orifice in their body and could barely mutter their own name.

"Al... now.." With another wave of his wand, Zoe and Cedric screamed in pain yet again, blood trickling down both their noses, yet Zoe never broke eye contact with Cedric.

See, the plan Albus and Zoe had formulated in the span of seconds as they searched through her mind for the link was pretty simple.

One; get inside Cedric's head.

Two; Albus would hide for Zoe to have his full attention, preventing him from attaching anyone around them.

Three; Once Zoe gave the clear, Albus would begin to preform lousy occlumensy, basically going against everything his father had ever told him to do when it came to the art.

Four; With some theoretical spell Albus had read about, Zoe could take over Cedric's body for a couple of seconds and talk to James so he'd stun Cedric.

Five; Albus would pull both of them out, and hopefully some auror would arrest Cedric and send him for the rest of his life to Azkaban.


But of course, step number four required an immense amount of concentration that Zoe could only hope to achieve.

On the other hand, James could only stand frozen in sight as he watched Cedric wither in pain as he glared to where he supposed Zoe had decided to show herself in Cedric's mind.

A pool of blood had begun to form below Cedric as both his nose and ears began to drip out the coppery smelling substance.

"James..." James snapped out of his dazed state and pointed his wand at Cedric as his gaze slowly met his.

Although all the intensity it had before had been lost and it instead held a more soft look.

"Potter...stun him...stun...Ced..ric" James eyes widened as Cedric wailed in pain once again, tears of blood pouring down his cheeks.

"Z?" Cedric gave a meek smile that slightly creeped James out, but at least that confirmed it was Zoe inhabiting Cedric's body.

He didn't even want to begin and think what she was going through to be able to achieve such a feat.

"Do.. it." James nodded and exhaled loudly.

"Stupefy." And suddenly Cedric fell unconscious while James slowly approached him.

With the tip of his shoe, James pushed Cedric so he was facing upwards. He slowly kicked him in the side, before opting for a more painful of kicking Cedric where he knew it'd definitely hurt. As he got no reaction James deemed it safe to turn his back on him.

"James! Help me!" James ran towards Lily both of their wands pointed on the piece of debris on top of Scorpious.

Together they managed to lift the piece and pull Scorpious out from under it, Lily began frantically pressing her fingers against his wrist and neck, tears streaming down her face making her mascara smudged so she resembled a racoon.

That was until she let out a relieved breath, holding out a thumbs up.

Scorpious was still alive.

"James! Lily!" Through the broken archway, all the remaining guests burst through their wands at the ready before they stopped in their tracks at the sight before them.

Everyone was breathing heavily, some more scratched than others. But everyone seemed more or less alive.

"Anyone want to arrest him?" Harry immediately sprung forward but Neo and Zoe's mum stepped up behind him and gently pushed him back.

"Allow me." She walked forward, past James, Lily and Scorpious, until she was stood right in front of Cedric's body.

And then she did what no one thought she'd do.

She kicked Cedric in the exact same spot James had.


After around eight kicks, she finally stopped and sighed, wrapping his arms around with some spell while she hauled his body up.

She turned around to face the rest of the crowd who were all gawking at her while she gave them an innocent look. Oliver was the first to sigh, visibly deflating.


"What? He deserved it."

Red Roses  {James Potter x OC} | Discontinued |जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें