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By the time Albus had managed to return both his and Zoe's conscience, she may or may not have already been choking on her own blood.

Molly, who thankfully had been watching over the two reckless Slytherins, sprung forward and caught Zoe as she fell backwards, spluttering blood across the Weasley's front lawn.

Molly began muttering spells while she waved her wand across Zoe's face, her breath slowly calming down as her insides settled down.

"Oh Zoe, you poor thing.." Zoe waved Molly off as she slowly raised herself from the red-head's lap.

"I'm fine." But it seemed her body was against her words and as soon as she was sitting up she spluttered out blood, to which she immediately wiped away the remains staining all the way to her cheek.

Molly gave her a glare that pretty much meant she didn't believe Zoe, which made the brunette sigh.

"Really Mols, I'm-"

"ZOE WILLA WOOD!" Zoe froze up and immediately let herself drop back down on to Molly's lap.

"Pretend I'm dead.. wait, no. Say I'm unconscious and have some sort of thing that I can't wake up if I'm yelled at." Teddy snorted at Molly's side, which earned him a slap to the head by Victoire.

Out from the crowd of people that had surrounded the Slytherins came Melody, with Roxanne close behind of course, who looked just about ready to strangle someone.

"WHERE IS SHE?" Everyone took a step backwards except for Roxanne who began to rub soothing circles on Melody's back in hopes that she'd stop screaming bloody murder.

Safe to say, it didn't work.

"She's...unconscious?" Melody glared at Louis.

"That sounded more like a question than a statement, Weasley." Louis opened his mouth to retort, but Teddy in his eternal stupidity decided to add more fuel to Melody's fiery rage.

"Hey! You stole my hair colour!" Melody turned her glare to the other blue-haired person.

"Boo-hoo. Deal with it!"

"But this is my signature hair colour!" Melody shrugged.

"Too bad!"

"I've had this hair colour since before you were even a fetus!"

Both of them sprung towards to attack each other, but luckily both got caught by someone and prevented them from ripping each other's throats.

"Okay, how about we all calm down? It's been a long day for all of us." Theo, who had also managed to push through the crowd, stood between the two trying to diffuse the situation.

"Long day? Our best friend nearly DIED!"

"And she's going to if you don't stop yelling. I don't need my ears bleeding again thank you very much." Melody immediately stopped struggling against Roxanne's grip.

"Z?" Zoe raised her hand, intertwining her fingers with Melody, her head still resting against Molly's lap.

"Still here, Mel." And unlike all odds, Melody burst into tears immediately running over and crushing Zoe in a hug, which made the brunette wince.

"Sorry... I'm sorry... Thank Merlin you're okay." Zoe wrapped her arms around Melody as well, squeezing as tightly as her bruised ribs let her.

"I'm fine, Mel. Only a little bloody." Melody only sobbed harder against her shoulder.

"You have no idea how worried I was. When James told me what happened... Merlin I'm glad you're okay." Zoe could only hug her tighter.

Sure, she didn't know precisely what Melody had gone through, but she could slightly phantom the idea of fearing the loss of a sibling.

"Wait, James told you what happened?" Melody sniffled, slowly backing away.

"Yeah.. He said you possessed Cedric or some crazy shit." Zoe shrugged.

"He's not exactly wrong." Melody quirked an eyebrow, eyeing Zoe from head to toe.

"Is that why you look like you just walked out of the worst vampire rave ever?" Zoe chuckled, making both girls share a meek smile.

"Yeah, pretty much." Both of them burst out laughing as if they hadn't just been in a life or death situation, going in for another hug.

"Zoe!" Suddenly both of them got tackled by another figure with a mop of brown hair, who immediately clung to her.

"Hey Neofart."

Neo didn't cry often, it wasn't because he wanted to be a man or whatever. He just simply didn't like crying, in fact, the last time Zoe had watched Neo cry was when she had not so accidentally thrown a building block at his face when he was a baby.

So seeing Neo two steps away from sobbing pretty much split Zoe's heart in two.

"I'm okay, Neo." He gave a teary laugh, hugging his sister once more.

"Merlin, did Halloween come in early?" Neo began poking at the dried bloody tears that had clung to her cheeks. She bang swatting his hand away with a smile.

"Yeah, I'm dressing up as you the next time you try and touch my pumpkin pasties." Neo scoffed.

"As if I'd touch anything your slimey fingers were near."

James' birthday had become a whirlwind of emotions...

Not James' birthday, Zoe's entire life had become one.

From one stupid black rose, to possessing someone's body, which she would not recommend undef any circumstance.

But she had learnt one thing.

She was tired of being petty, holding grudges (though a Slytherin specialty) were stupid. Look where Cedric had ended up.

So now she had a plan.

She was gonna find James Potter, and kiss him.


Red Roses  {James Potter x OC} | Discontinued |Where stories live. Discover now