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*sad trumpet noises*

Dearest Beloveds, we are gathered here today to bear witness to the death of the third fanfic ever published on this account, and the end of the saga Roses, more specifically, Red Roses.

While we had some good times like Zoe declaring her feelings while under the influence of truth serum, or that Lily absolutely OWNED her brothers, it must all come to an end eventually.

This fanfic was taken too late yet too soon after an author lost interest in the HP fandom and didn't like where the story was going and doesn't feel like rewriting or continuing the story.

Let us all remember the memories we made along the way and the bittersweet memories we will continue to make as all the unedited chapters in the drafts will be published following this memorial along with a brief description of what would have happened would the fanfic not have come to an abrupt end to its life.

Where any of you to wish to continue on the legacy of such a wonderful fanfic, be sure to message the murderer of this work, also known as public enemy #1: the author, she will be more than glad to come to an agreement to continue on the legacy (speaking from personal experience as her conscience).

Lets us have a moment of silence for our forgotten characters...

Thank you all for your support and attendance. You will never be forgotten and will always be welcome to return to mourn this work or participate in any ongoing work.

'Til next time.

Red Roses  {James Potter x OC} | Discontinued |Where stories live. Discover now