Last a/n

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Phew, I had far too many chapters written whoops.

Well, to not leave you hanging here's your summary of major plot points that would've happened eventually cause i feel bad for discontinuing this just like that:

Basically that last chapter was Cedric being possessed Quirell style by none other than Lucius Malfoy (shocker I know) who wanted revenge on the Potters for ruining his family and their high status and you know Cedric the little manipulative man he is got manipulated into agreeing.

As for the others you can probably guess who would end up with who, like Zoe and James (duh!!) Melody and Roxie, Gavin and Ty (their relationship was gonna be my favourite to write I just know it), Leslie and Fred (again duh!!), Lily and Scorpious, Theo and Taylor (I know shocking but there's a reason he was included in the intro after all).

And with the next generation on the older side I was going to add these little fights and battles with the Death Eater loyalists for some bonding and they ALSO had relationships (if I can't get a partner my fictional characters can), so Teddy and Victorie is obvious but they were gonna be so cute, Lucy was gonna get a gf because I said so but I never figured out when to introduce them, and Louis was just there to get jealous James out in the open and push Taylor and Theo together so that's it for relationships.

For plot I really didn't have a plan in between but I did know the ending, and that was going to be Cedric being on the brink of killing our beloved James but then realizing almost killing his brother got him there in the first place and he'd matured enough with Lucius yelling inside his head to know that killing his family wouldn't solve that empty hole inside him so he fought off Lucius in his head and ended up asking James to kill him so he wouldn't be pressured into hurting anyone else, and then they had this really heartfelt moment about how James forgave him he just wanted to meet his older brother as someone who wasn't a homicidal maniac going after his family but Cedric was really adamant on not wanting to live with Lucius in his head or the possibility of him controlling his body to hurt his family but James couldn't kill him. So, Zoe, our resident daughter of two badasses offered to do it instead so James wouldn't have to carry that burden and she killed Cedric.

Then, the book was going to end with Zoe and James now graduated from Hogwarts visiting Cedric's grave that was right next to those of Harry's parents and James was telling him eveything that he missed after not being a part of the Potter family and some little stories about them at Hogwarts and they'd leave right after setting down a blue rose that means tranquility versus the past two roses meaning death and loyalty.

So yeah, that was the book.

I just wanted to thank you all one last time for all the support and sticking by even though I had this on hold for a LONG time, and as I said before if anyone is interested on rewriting the story on continuing it on message me I don't bite (most of the time) and I'm more than willing to come to an agreement that helps both of us.

Once again, thank you all and I can never put into words how much I appreciate each and every one of you and I hope to see you in any of my other works or just as a message buddy.

Love you all <3

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