Livin' La Vida Lucy

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The sun had just begun to peak behind the acres of land covered in trees owned by probably the most famous wizard family in existence.

The Potter's garden was nothing short of impressive, a playground that somehow was still standing after surviving every single Weasley descendant, a whole quidditch pitch that had probably seen better days but was still as functional as ever, and of course the infamous garden full of every type of plant, both magical and non-magical.

Although the interior was great, every gathering somehow ended up transitioning to the outdoor area. No matter the weather or temperature, after all they were all wizards.

"Luce! Roxie!" Both Weasleys who we're currently hanging upside down from the rusted monkey-bars turned their heads and immediately broke into a grin at the sight of the Wood children.

"Z! N!" Neo huffed, pouting like a 4 year-old.

"Why are our nicknames literally the first letter of our names?" Zoe shrugged, ruffling her you her brother's hair, much to his annoyance.

"Our names are literally three letters, what were you expecting?"

Roxanne and Lucy quickly flipped onto the ground, but didn't even manage to take a step before they both collapsed in on their own legs and burst into laughter.

Contrary to what she would describe as their stuck up parents, Lucy was nothing alike to Percy and Audrey Weasley, or their older sister Molly for that matter.

The best description of their character would be that while the rest were off discussing the latest news from the Daily Prophet with a calming tea in their hands, Lucy would be making paper swans from said paper while downing shots of espresso.

Naturally their father blacklisted them as a troublemaker and 'nothing like Molly', so if she was going to do the time, might as well do the crime by accompanying the young Weasley pranksters and working under the tutelage of their uncle George.

Let's just say Lucy was living the good life.

"Aw man you grew, who am I gonna call shorty now?" Zoe rolled her eyes, quickly embracing Lucy before moving on to Roxanne who held on for a bit longer than necessary.

Despite Zoe always managing to be taller than Lucy, she insisted on making fun of her height just because she was shorter than Fred. Which was quite unfair seeing as it was pretty much impossible to reach the other prankster's height.

"I think you'll have to switch it to hottie, because look at that dress Miss Wood." Zoe winked at Roxanne and blew her a kiss, making the dark haired girl stumble back dramatically before they began laughing all together.

"Yeah...You have fun I'm gonna go look for Lily." All three of them waved Neo goodbye before turning back to each other.

"Seriously though Z, if you keep looking that good James just might get a heart attack by the mere sight of you." Zoe awkwardly chuckled, giving Roxanne a look. It appeared the Weasley teasing had begun.

"You didn't tell Luce I'm guessing?" Lucy's smile immediately fell.

"Tell me what?" Roxanne sighed, looking like she was already regretting all her life decisions.

"James pretty much fucked it up and went for the idiotic approach of spiking Zoe with amorentia," Lucy gasped, staring wide-eyed at Zoe. Although she kind of expected it.

"He did not!"

"Wait for it, and then this girl just goes there and forgives him!" Lucy then proceeded to glare at Zoe who cowered under their gaze.

"Zoe!" She huffed.

"What? The guy pretty much saved my life from his psycho of a brother! How was I not supposed to forgive him?" Lucy and Roxanne's faces fell. Cedric had always been a sore subject around the family, and due to recent events it had become even more hurtful to even dare mention him.

"So you've met Cedric I gather?" Zoe shrugged, shuffling her feet against the loose dirt below them.

"You could say that... Do you remember him?" Lucy gently shook her head, placing a comforting hand over the young Wood's shoulder.

"I was like five when he supposedly died. Besides Percival took those memories out of my head." Zoe cracked a small smile.

"Percival? What did he do now?" Lucy shrugged.

"Exist?" Zoe nodded, her lips pursued as she tried not to laugh.

"Good enough." All three of them faced each other, their lips pursued.

They didn't last long before they all burst out laughing maniacally.

Rain can't come without a rainbow, but could a rainbow be the warning for rain?


a/n: apologies for the lack of updates, I just recently got some wifi and am finally able to upload yay 😃

Question for all the tv show/movie fanfic writers that read this: do y'all just keep stopping the movie every 10 seconds or whatever to copy the dialogue and stuff or what do y'all do??? 🤨 Asking for a friend 😁

Anyways vote and comment because Lucy is the best

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