It took a few tries and mentally scarring a couple of muggles after accidentally apparating in closed off dark streets, but Theo and Zoe had made it to the Burrow.

Some of the younger or extremely injured guests were already there. Either sitting or laying across the lawn waiting for some person they recognized or to get healed.

But even in all the group of people present, Zoe only recognized the two running around desperately trying to heal everyone and searching for their family.

"Mols!" Molly Weasley junior stopped in her tracks and ran over to Zoe, tripping over every rock possible before reaching her and crushing the girl in a hug.

"Oh, thank Merlin you're safe! Have you seen anyone? Lucy? My dad?"

Opposite to her younger sibling, Molly was through and through a daddy's girl, which could only begin to explain how she became an almost carbon copy of her father, being the golden child and all.

Not only did she graduate Hogwarts with only outstanding's in both her O.W.L's and N.E.W.T's, she had also been a prefect all the way from her third year and head girl from her fifth year.

Although she did divert from her father when instead of pursuing a career in the Ministry. Molly ended up becoming a healer at St.Mungo's. And a very good one. So it wasn't exactly a surprise seeing her running around trying to help all the injured.

"I'm sorry, Molly. We only saw James before apparating here." Molly nodded, her distressed look only further increasing.

The only thing Molly was bad at was concealing her emotions, which was both a good and bad thing.

Good because it'd be impossible for her to lie about them.

Bad because in the moment they needed reassurance, she was just as hysteric as the rest.

"That's fine. Sit wherever, I'll send Louis to check on you every once in a while. And.." Molly turned expectantly at Theo, apparently they hadn't been introduced yet.

It was no surprise really, seeing as Molly missed most of James' parties with the excuse of work, and even then she didn't really meet all of his friends.

"Um... Theo." Molly nodded.

"Right, Theo, you come with me I'll close those cuts in a jiffy." Theo gave Zoe a look, silently asking if it was okay to leave her alone. After all he had seen her have a mental breakdown over a cake and had just been in yet another situation where she had to face Cedric.

But contrary to what he thought she'd do, Zoe nodded giving Theo the go along with Molly.

"We'll be quick." Zoe gave him another nod before Molly pulled Theo into the crowd, both of them blending to the point where she couldn't find either anymore.

Zoe immediately plopped down onto the ground, completely ignoring how stained her dress had become from the mud below, after all a dress that could be cleaned with the wave of her wand was not even on the top ten things that worried her.

Number one was definitely Neo and her parents' safety, if they got out unscathed... or maybe with a simple cut.... or missing a body part... or simply dead... In any case, Zoe knew she could not handle the guilt that would come with leaving all of them there by theirselves.

She was the best spell caster in her entire year for Merlin's sake, and that's saying a lot considering she was in the same year as a Potter who had been trained in spell-casting by the chosen one himself. She should have been in that fight, she should be showing Cedric he picked not only the wrong family, but the wrong person to mess with. She had the ability to do it after all.


She had frozen.

Instead of bravely rushing head first into battle like everyone else had done, Zoe had cried. She had broken down in tears and forced James to lose precious time in saving people by having to rush her out.

She had held people back all because she couldn't control herself and all she could do was cry. All because of a stupid celebration.

James had suffered almost the same trauma. Why was it that she couldn't have the normalcy he seemed to have?

Well there was the reason why she wasn't put in Gryffindor.

Zoe grabbed her wand from her pocket, where she had put it again after not being able to even hold it upright without breaking down on tears yet again, and she threw it as far as she could with her trembling body, letting the tears fall down yet again.

What use was a wand when she couldn't even cast a spell?

But instead of ridding herself of her wand and letting it fall against the tall grass surrounding the Burrow. It found a different mark.

A yelp of pain made Zoe look upwards, her eyes landing on a silver-headed man clutching her wand in his hand while rubbing his freckled forehead.

"Nice to Z you too...Z," He laughed. "Z you. Get it?" Zoe rolled her eyes before casting them downwards once again.

If the fact that as soon as her eyes landed on him she wanted to fling herself at him and kiss him senselessly wasn't enough of a clue of who she had run into. The French accent was a certain giveaway.

"Yes, I get it, Louis." Louis handed Zoe back her wand before he plopped down next to her.

"How's Beauxbuttons?" Louis shrugged.

"Very french. How's Hogwarts?" Zoe shrugged.

"Very Scottish."

Louis was in fact the only one in the Weasley family who had not attended Hogwarts at all in all of his school years. From the very beginning he had gone to Beauxbatons, which elated his mother beyond belief. And also meant that he was rarely seen within the family, but when he was, boy was it chaotic.

Out of the three siblings, Louis was definitely the most charming and the one who used the advantage of his veela blood to the fullest, no matter how many scoldings he got from both his parents for doing so.

In fact, every single time Zoe had met up with Louis they had kissed at least once. Which throughly amused Louis to the point where he had gotten enough material to tease James with.

"Why won't you look at me petit bois?"

"I know you, Louis. And I'm not in the mood to make out with anyone." Louis laughed, he in fact was planning that. After all they both needed a distraction. But he wasn't going to go against her wishes.

"Very well. Then do you mind if I sit here so we both wallow in worry for our families?" Zoe shrugged.

"Be my guest."

Red Roses  {James Potter x OC} | Discontinued |Where stories live. Discover now