Rune didn't object to that, despite looking disappointed.

"In the meantime, we must deal with more present concerns," Gunray shifted the topic. "How goes the situation with these Gungans?"

"I met with a messenger in the fields outside their swamps," Rune explained, accepting the change in subject. "They have no desire to fight us for the time. They have a great distaste for the Naboo. I think us not being humans actually made them more receptive to our terms."

Gunray nodded in understanding. Humans were the most populous species in the galaxy, with many near-humans subspecies. Just as there was a sense of human-centrism among the race, there was some wariness about humans in general among the other races of the stars. Something that the Trade Federation had exploited on several occasions.

"And what was said, exactly?" Gunray pressed.

"They are primitive, but they are not unaware. They know, to some extent, what us taking possession of the planet would mean for their swamps," Rune stated. "They found it agreeable to aid us against the resistance, and in securing the Queen if she should return. If they are promised assistance in relocating to one of Naboo's moon, Ohma-D'um."

"Hmm. We have no interest in Naboo's moons. That would be a cheap price to pay towards ending this debacle," Gunray mused, nodding to himself.

"Are you certain, Viceroy? We may find valuable resources on that moon," Rune reminded carefully.

"Yes, but a moon will much be easier to deal with than an entire planet," Gunray all but spat out. "Just see it done, Rune."

Rune stepped back a bit before nodding in acceptance. "As you say, Viceroy."

Gunray grumbled to himself in displeasure as he sat on the throne of Naboo, the room empty save a group of B1 Battle Droids and three Droidikas, his own personal protection.

He may bluster and complain, but he knew perfectly well why he had brought along other living officers besides himself and Rune: he had been afraid. Afraid that, with only droids, it would be easy, too easy for all blame of any failure to fall on him. Not just blame from Sidious, but the Trade Federation turning on him was a true concern. Rune would not speak in his defense, he knew. All Rune had to do was let him fall and the Trade Federation could find itself with Rune as the new Viceroy.

But with others as part of this operation, it made shifting blame a viable plan if this occupation failed completely. In theory at least.

Still, while he didn't have the same doubts as Rune, he was troubled by resent events. Surveillance recordings from the time of the Queen's escape showed an unknown party had aided the Queen to freedom. It was like a Jedi, but dark clad and wielding a red lightsaber. A color more commonly associated with the Sith, with Sidious's order, than with any of the Jedi.

Oh yes, he knew of the Sith, even before contact with Sidious. Many of the wealthiest Neimoidian families retained histories and records that the Jedi were never able to wipe out. For the Neimoidians were a fearful race, and his ancestors believed that such things should not be forgotten, lest they sneak up on them when they least expect it. Neimoidia, amazingly, had been spared of much tragedy from the ancient wars of the Sith against the Republic and Jedi.

Yet now, it would appear that there might be another element at play, a rival striking at Sidious. The thought made Gunray shiver. This new Sith had been in the same building as him the day the queen escaped. If the Sith deigned to, Gunray imaged he could have easily freed the Queen while himself and Rune were with her, slaying them both. A terrifying thought. Not to mention the number of defeated battle droids, along with two AATs destroyed.

Darth Vader: Hero of NabooOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora