Chapter 8 Epilogue

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—4 weeks after the Beacon incident/At The Battle Sisters Main Base—

We can hear noise coming from our main married couples room. You can hear Y/N either yelling or screaming as she tries to speak to her wife to quell her Daemon like Wrath and we see Vanessa standing outside along with RWBY,JNPR and CFVY standing with her looking absolutely terrified

Y/N:"d-d-dearest p-please let me explain-"crashing noise then some glass breaking"BABE PLEASE LET ME EXPLAIN!I KNOW YOU WERE WORRIED AND UPSET BUT-!"another sound of something getting thrown at her"BUT IF YOU KEEP DOING THIS THEN WHATS THE POINT OF THE EMPERORS PROTECTION AND MERCY?!"

. . .

The sounds of screams,running and objects getting thrown at her continues....

Ruby:she looked at Vanessa"does..."Vanessa looked at Ruby"Ms.L/N act like this when it comes to..."

Vanessa:she nodded"only when mom does something reckless or worries mama sick,the last time she acted like this is when mom was severely wounded by an Alpha Beringel"

Weiss:"Neo must really love her wife does she?"

Vanessa:she nodded with a smile"she does and mama just wants mom to understand that she shouldn't just take risks like that unless absolutely necessary"

Blake:she looked at Yang with a deadpanned expression"in a way...I can empathize with Ms.L/N on her wife's recklessness"she said gently glaring at her blonde brawler

Yang:she nervously smiled with a giggle

Coco:"I can't believe I'm hearing The Sister of Carnage beg for mercy"she said absolutely shocked along with her team

Y/N:"Neo honey put that down!put that down!put that dow-"the thing was thrown at her but sounded like it hit the wall so she might be alright

Velvet:"is there a way to save her?"

Vanessa:"yes"she said with a sigh and brought out some Neapolitan ice cream

Vanessa opens the door and closed it behind her as she entered the room and slowly the noise died down and 30 seconds later we see Neo skip out and go down the hall while the 3 teams looked on in disbelief then the daughter and white haired Saint came out and the nun looked like she went through hell breathing heavily

Y/N:"thank you're a life saver..."She said in between breathes

Fox:"I honestly doubt she's that fierce..."she said with absolute fear evident in his voice

Y/N:"spend at least 10 minutes in there with her in that state of anger then come talk to me...this is the first time in 4 years"

Weiss:"at least you know she loves you"she shrugged

Y/N:"yes but this isn't the most healthy way of showing it"

Vanessa:"yes now I think you should go find her to see how she's doing right now"

Y/N nodded and went down the hallway to try to find her calmed down wife

Y/N's POV—

I finally reached the end of the hallway to find my wife sitting on a chair eating her ice cream happily

Y/N:"are you finally calm my dear?"I asked with a smile

Neo looked at me and turned around with the quickness to shun her wife

Y/N:"ignoring me isn't going to fix anything nor make you look any better"

She still faced away from me

Y/N:"look at me Neo"I held my arms out to the side"I'm fine and uninjured"

Neo:she turned back around and signs"that still doesn't excuse the fact you nearly died and made me worry"

Y/N:"I know I know but look at it this way. I'm here breathing and not in that pit of Grimm getting torn to pieces"

Neo waited for a few seconds and sighed

Neo:"you're right...I'm sorry"she signed

Y/N:"thank you and I'm not angry at you since you've shown how much you care for me"

Neo smiled and got out of her chair then I walked over to sit in it and the small and adorable assassin sits on my lap...

This will be the first of many battles...I hope I'm ready for more....

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