Chapter 2

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While the adults/leaders talk everyone from Teams RWBY and JNPR walked around the palace and did some other things with their free time,let's take a look at what each member is doing

Ruby and Yang

The two sisters asked some of the Battle Sisters to teach them how to shoot their guns which are called Bolters

Ruby's POV—

BS instructor:"just hold it like that"she said adjusting my stance lined the barrel at the target"take the shots"

Ruby:I pulled the trigger and one round was massively powerful and I saw the round turn the target into a smoking mess"...WOW!Good thing this isn't a real one or the recoil would've tore my whole arm off!"

BS instructor:"yes,we use these to have our future trainees to get used to the recoil and get an idea of what a real Bolter feels like"

Ruby:"I bet it's tough to become a sister"

BS instructor:"it is,you have to pass some trails that are insanely tough then you'll be fully accepted"

Ruby:"like how initiations are at Beacon!"

BS instructor:"yes but a higher fatality rate"

I turned my head to see my sister Yang blasting off the targets heads with ease and reloads before firing again

Yang:"these weapons are awesome!"she said while continuing to fire at her targets"these Bolter rounds could be an upgrade to what I've been using"

BS Instructor:"get permission from Sister Y/N and train with us and we'll see if it happens!"she shouted due to Ruby firing her shots

Yang:she looked at the Instructor and nodded before going back to firing again

Ruby:"hey sis!"

Yang stopped firing and looked at her sister

Ruby:"let's challenge each other to a shoot out,whoever has the most points wins"

Yang:"you're on lil sister!"

The instructor watches them with a smile as the two sisters began their contest as she was keeping count

We now go to Weiss and Blake in the towns Park//Blake's POV—

Me and Weiss are at the park watching many human and Faunus children playing this game called Soccer that Big Sister Y/N taught them and I held a incredibly happy smile

Weiss:"this brings much joy to you doesn't it?"she asked with her own smile towards me"so much so you're crying"

Blake:I wiped the tear away"I just see so much hate between human and Faunus that...seeing this is...just a beacon of hope for me"

Weiss:"I agree...I hope to undo what my father has done and the first thing is to give the Faunus a better life in Atlas"

Blake:"hehe well you definitely have my support ice Queen"

Weiss:"Hey!we were having a moment until now!"

Blake:"hehehe sorry it was force of habit but seriously I'd appreciate the change you want you want to make"

The two of us smiled at each other then the ball was kicked out bounds and I picked it up and handed it to a panther Faunus as they continued to play

Team JNPR/3rd POV—

Nora and Pyyrah are at this pizza place and they looked and enjoyed the scenery as they decided to eat outside

Nora:"All the Faunus and Human children are sooooo cuuuuute!"she said eating her pizza

Pyyrha:"agreed,seeing peace like this is something I hope the whole world to gains soon"

Nora:"mhm!wheres Ren and Jaune?"

The two women began looking around until they saw the 2 poor men surrounded by Milfs and young adult women...and some Battle sisters off duty then the two women stared at one another in annoyance and slight jealousy. They got down there and released a dark aura which gave the boys enough time to escape and return to their girlfriends

Pyyrha:"if you ladies could leave our men alone we would appreciate it greatly"

Nora:"yes I would hate to have to break each and every one of your legs!!!"she shouted equipping her hammer

Their auras grew larger and larger that every single woman ran off and NP kissed their respective man on the lips

Scene Change/Beacon Academy visitors dormitory—

Cinder,Emerald and Mercury are in their dorm as Cinder is planning the next step in Phase 2

Mercury:"have you guys heard about The Silhouette and Sister of Carnage?"

Cinder:"yes I have planned their inevitable interference,they travel together by themselves so we'll have the Grimm target and take them out first to slow them down. If they get to me or you two it'll complicate things"

Emerald:"those two may have stopped us before but they won't a second time"

Cinder:"greatly put Emerald"

Cinder shown an evil smirk then the screen goes black

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