Chapter 5

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—Next Day at Mount Glenn in the middle of the night/Ruby's POV—

I woke up to see everyone's asleep except Y/N and Neo

Ruby:"they must be patrolling the area"I looked at my teammates asleep and thought it best to leave them for now so I grabbed my Crescent Rose before going out

As I stepped out Zwei was there to greet me to receive a pet on the head then 2 voices could be heard so I grabbed Zwei and hid behind some rubble. I peeked out to see 2 White Fang grunts

WF1:"I'm getting more and more annoyed that the Sister of Carnage and Silhouette seem to have us backed into a corner!"

WF2:"everyone is!it's like they know exactly where we are and how to counter against it!"

WF1:"there has to be spies in our ranks"

WF2:"when we find them they'll serve as an example,we already found 10 and half of them are imprisoned"

Hearing this conversation was heartbreaking...I know Neo and Y/N would be just as depressed to hear it but right now I gotta keep following them to where they are going. As they continued walking and talking I've followed them until they turned to a door and held Zwei up to spot for me

Ruby:"once they get inside bark once to let me know...."I heard the door close as Zwei gave me a bark"Yes!let's go regroup with the others to what we found"

I was about to run back to camp until the ground cracked open a hole and I almost fell in along with Zwei but saved it and tossed him on the surface as I fell inside. Beneath the city I looked around to find more ruins to an abandoned city,I stood up and looked around then got hit at the back of my head and fell to the ground as I see 2 men pick me up and drag me as I black out

Small timeskip—

I was forced awake to look up at a White Fang Commander who had chains around his wrist and a hammer on his back

WF Com:"hmm...just kill her"he said

I used my semblance to dash away but as soon as I did more White Fang stood in front of me until a fire dust shotgun blast took them out to reveal my team the doctor and my idols

—POV change to 3rd—


Ruby dashed to Yang as she enveloped her in a hug and spun her around then dropped her down for Weiss to hug and kiss the Scythe wielder and separated

Weiss:"I'm glad you're ok"

Ruby:"I'm not easily taken down you know"


As the train moved everyone else got on the train and they begun the chase

Ruby:"how are we going to stop this train!"

Oobleck:"we have to stop this train!"he said opening one of the hatches to reveal a bomb

Y/N:"a bomb!"she said moving to the next cart and opened another hatch to see another one"this whole train has bombs!"

Everyone carried worried/shocked expressions then got on the next cart while Blake went down to the clips that connect the carts and was brought out Gambol Shroud to see the previous cart go down the tunnel and exploded which opened some holes in the tunnels and Grimm popped out

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