Chapter 4

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—Neos Orphanage—

Neo was left at an Orphanage and lived in it for most of her life,she was seen as an abomination because of her appearance and that's absolutely ridiculous. Everyone was against,especially the kids,if they broke something they blame Neo,if something needed to be cleaned they make her do it or beat on her to let off some steam

Kid1:"take this you demon!"kicked her ribs

Kid2:"she's ugly!"kicked her head

Kid3:"she's an abomination!"she punched her ribs and chest

Neo laid there barely able to move but pretended to be dead so she doesn't receive anymore punishment as they left and kept throwing insults while leaving

Day 2

One of the kids blamed Neo for a faulty faucet as it was squirting everywhere as a woman kept stomping Neo out and hit her throat which made Neo freak out as she coughed multiple times and tried to speak but couldn't

Woman caretaker:"finally the demon can't speak!"she was going to stomp her on the head which Neo dodged

Little Neo ran out of the Orphanage as the caretaker shouted for her to never come back

Neo's POV—

Every since I left that Orphanage I've been doing everything I can to survive,steal,kill and was able to get some decent food. I'm sitting in an alleyway by myself eating a loaf of bread then a man in a white suit and bowler hat stepped a few feet away from me and I crawled away in fear

???:"don't be scared...I want to help you"he said to me

Neo:I stopped and sat still

???:walked over to me a bit closer and kneeled down with his cane in hand then held his right hand out"let's get you home cleaned up"

I reached over and grabbed his hand before walking out of the alley with him

???:"I am Roman Torchwick and do you have a name little one?"he asked looking down at me

Neo:I shook my head

Roman:"hmmm..."he said looking at me"how about Neopolitan,Neo for short?"

Neo:I nodded excitedly

Roman:"great,let's go get you some ice cream as a celebration of your adoption"he said

A couple of years passed—

Through these years I've learned that my father is an Arms dealer and has many enemies who want him dead,one time I saw one of his personnel do a bunch of acrobatics with a sword and knives. I asked my dad if I can be apart of this,at first he was against it but thanks to puppy dog eyes he gave in and let me train and do any missions

Among my fathers many fighters I've become the best and decided to propose a small assassination group of my own called the Masquerade and we took down and killed many that my father knew who either wanted him dead or caused trouble for us or the world. Father knew of my past and I asked him why we help other people and he tells me...

Roman:"because we wouldn't want nobody else to go through the same pain we all have been through...this entire organization was built off people who wanted to either make money for their families,who wanted to make a difference...and wanted a home...that's why my dear Neo"

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