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Planet Earth in New York City—

We take a look at the huge city with cars and people walking and talking to each other,we then go to this apartment complex to zoom in from the window and see a room filled anime and warhammer 40k posters and merch

We then look over to a 5'11 woman at her desk watching this new series she's been watching lately and it's called RWBY,she loves everything about this show and enjoyed each character. Especially a certain short and ice cream themed woman by the name of Neo and her father/partner Roman Torchwick: in her own point of view it seems the two of them are only following Cinder and Salem for their own survival and not for any other reason so the young woman thought if she could change their fate on the good side she would in a heart beat but that's just wishful thinking cause RWBY isn't real

change to Y/N's POV

I was enjoying the fight between Yang and Neo until my phone alarm went off signaling that I had to head off to work. I groaned and stretched my body before turning off my desk top monitor and went to get dressed since I did my morning routine already and ate breakfast. I looked at my wall to admire the posters of the sisters of battle,God Emperor,space marines and some guardsman legions

Y/N:"if I could go to RWBY and fight for Remnant I would go as a sister of adepta sororitas"I said before doing the imperial salute cause I'm massive nerd

I put on my work clothes and look at my body mirror to make sure my H/C hair is neat and have my security guard outfit on before putting on a jacket then head out to meet the cold breeze. I enjoyed the weather before heading to my car and drove into the street as I play some music from shinigami

//play this through the scene//

As I sang to the song I was changing lanes and obeying any laws of the road and watching out for idiots on the road that did some dumb shit. Stopping at a red light and kept singing the song while looking at the light change to green before moving forward then a random truck(cliche Ik but let it happen)came speeding up to escape cop cars and hit many pedestrians and drivers before hitting me.

My car flew in the air while spinning then hit the car as it kept spinning faster and faster before blacking out. Outside of my vehicle I hear people taking me out and put me on the stretcher...must be the doctors taking me to the hospital but they know as much as anyone and myself that I'm already gone as the machine started beeping but wanted to try and save me in anyway they could but I closed my eyes and felt my body grow cold and lifeless

Y/N:"is this how I'll die...a short life with no accomplishments...will I be forgotten and remembered as a nobody...?"I thought in my head

???:"No"a soothing yet deep voice said in the void of darkness until a golden light beamed out lit up the hole room and restored my body in a long F/C road

I was floating in nothing until my feet touched the watery floor below me. I looked around and enjoyed the starry night sky glistening the whole room then looked at a tall figure standing before me in golden armor and held a long sword in one hand and bolter on his hip...this man was...

//End song//

The God Emperor of Man,out of instinct Y/N kneeled before the Golden God and held her head low out of respect before speaking

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The God Emperor of Man,out of instinct Y/N kneeled before the Golden God and held her head low out of respect before speaking

Y/N:"it is...a great honor to meet you my Emperor!"I shouted in happiness and excitement

God Emperor:"it's an honor to meet you Y/N"he said with a smile and took some steps towards the H/C woman and kneeled"stand"

Y/N:she stood up and looked up at the Emperor"even standing up I have to look up at you"She said with a giggle

God Emperor:he also giggled"yes indeed but we have very little time to speak as of now...I want to offer you something you've always wanted"

Y/N:her E/C eyes widened"you don't mean..."

God Emperor:"yes I plan to send you to Remnant as a adepta sororita and become a hero"he said with a genuine smile

Y/N:the smile grew wider"you have no idea how much this means to me!"she said jumping and running around the Emperor

The God Emperor just watches in amusement to one of his many followers to the news he's bringing up but then he spoke again

God Emperor:"Y/N!focus!"he said in his authoritative voice and Y/N quickly went back to her previous position in front of him

Y/N:"yes sir!"she said gaining a serious expression

God Emperor:"when I send you there the main goal is to protect the people and destroy whatever threatens the well being of all as a whole,kill and fight in my name"

Y/N:"yes my lord,I am humanity's sword and shield!"

God Emperor:he nodded"now I'm going to give you all the knowledge and equipment needed for this"

The God Emperor held his free hand over Y/N and gave her all the knowledge she needed,Salem,Ozpin,Grimm and etc. after about a minute he retracted his hand

God Emperor:"I also raised your physical capabilities a little bit higher but not too much,the rest is up to you"

Y/N:"you've done more than it would be boring if I didn't have at least a bit of a challenge"she said the last part with a playful smirk

God Emperor:held his head low as he mutters"I don't know what to do with you...."raised it back up"anyway have fun and never stop fighting,me and you will talk every now and then,anything else-"he said before being hugged by Y/N

Y/N:"I'll miss you..."she said with a saddened tone

God Emperor:he smiled and hugged back

The two separated and soon enough she started to see everything turn white and catch a glimpse of another figure with golden power armor,white wings and hair which Y/N waved goodbye at the two and it was returned

Random Forest in Remnant/POV change to Y/N//Night time—

I suddenly woke up and sat up slowly to feel something on my body weighing me down and looked down to see I'm in power armor and a blade with a bolter on the side

Y/N:"my lord is a very generous man"I said in a more mature voice that surprised me then looked around to see a small river that I walked over to and looked at my reflection

My body looked a bit younger along with my face,my hair is white instead of my original H/C hair but the same E/C eyes. I smiled at my appearance before going back to my weapons to grab the sword and placed it on my back and picked up the Bolter with both hands

Y/N:"ok...first order of business should be taking down Grimm and White Fang bases and then I'll go to Roman and Neo to secure their change of fate"I said before loading a mag into my bolter and heard growls

I turned around to see many red eyes starring at me and I looked at them with a small smirk as they revealed themselves to be Ursai and Beowolves coming out of the dark forest

Y/N:"you sure you all want to fight one of the Emperors chosen"

I stepped forward to see many of the wolves and Ursai flinched or back away in fear

Y/N:"mhm...either you walk away with your tails in between your legs or I'll kill all of you"I said in a bloodthirsty tone with a smirk

The alphas stepped out and roared as the others quickly got back their bearings as they started charging

Y/N:she smiled"there's the fire I've been waiting for!"

I quickly charged at them to meet them at the middle and began firing Bolter rounds

This is the journey of our young Heroine and one of the many battles she'll take on...let's see how this will play out...

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