Chapter 86

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As soon as the unfortunate second boy arrived in the small room, he was unsuspectingly pierced in the neck by Xie Chian, who was hiding behind the door.

Xie Chian took out the utility knife and watched the boy fall silently.

He calmly waited.

The third and fourth person came one after another. They were on guard against each other. No one came close to the small room under the national flag.

In succession, there were more and more people who came, all guarded against each other. No one started the killing spree, as if waiting for everyone to come together. Because of the large number of people, no one paid attention to the small room. Anyway, everyone couldn't hide from anyone. The rash person would become a target...

Xie Chian observed secretly. He saw Situ Yue and Feng Ming, who had blood on his arm that was wrapped in bandages.

But Feng Ming's bloodstains weren't eye-catching. Which person wasn't blood-stained? Even Xie Chian didn't clean up his shirt.

Feng Ming was eye-catching because he was damn good-looking even if he was covered in blood...

Because his face was too pale and soft, Feng Ming didn't catch the eye of those tall boys. Similarly, girls were also not the object of their attention.

Feng Ming was happy to pretend to be weak. He just watched the show, consciously walking to the corner to reduce his sense of presence.

Situ Yue stood on the other side indifferently.

It was the fifth day. Some people didn't even understand the truth that "people shouldn't look good."

There were very few girls who had lived to the fifth day, but all of them were ruthless characters.

Never scorn any enemy.

Time passed by every minute. It was almost seven o'clock.

Xie Chian observed each one of them. Every time one had come, he would count the number of people. It was announced last night that 102 people survived. Except for the person hammered to death and the one cut by the utility knife, there must be 100 people.

So far, including himself, 98 people had entered the field.

The siblings hadn't come yet.

Xie Chian knew that the boy among the siblings had injured his legs and had difficulty moving around. But the North Campus was so close to the big field that it made no sense if they had not arrived in an hour.

Don't say it was because if the injuries and fear of being killed that they had not dared to come. It was better to be killed than to be executed and explode... Of the 97 others who came, there were only very few who weren't injured, the only difference between everyone was the severity of the injury. Xie Chian still had a scar on his back.

Unless... Xie Chian thought of a possibility. The siblings were worried that due to the leg injury, they wouldn't be able to arrive on time, so they decided to set off early. Due to their cognitive inertia, they went to the South Campus, which was completely on the opposite side.

If that was the case... then it was really clever, but they were mistaken by their cleverness.

When it was 6:59:50, there was finally a figure outside the green barbed wire of the field.

It was a girl. People were surprised to see that she was carrying a boy on her back.

Carrying such a burden at this time, this must be true love, right? Someone sighed, but they didn't plan on helping. Some people were disdainful and thought that the girl simply had no brains.

Ye Zeyu's physical strength had long been exhausted. She was only supported by her willpower. She was only 20 meters away from the gate of the field. As long as she walked the 20 meters in these ten seconds––

They could survive!

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