Chapter 56

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Chen Huihui suddenly raised her head: "Didn't you say you will protect him?"

If Xie Chian can't even protect Liang Yifei, how could he protect her?

Sure enough, no one can be trusted. She could only rely on herself. Chen Huihui bit her lip.

Xie Chian had no skill that allowed him to separate his self. He cannot cover everything. One by one, as long as he couldn't look under his nose, everything could happen. What could he do?

Since Xie Chian didn't answer, Chen Huihui's heart became cold.

She remembered the rule of "execution of those who had not killed within three days." She can no longer just sit down and wait for death.

...However, she didn't dare go out.

They were at loss like this for three hours. Chen Huihui finally couldn't sit still. She suddenly stood up: "I want to go out."

The other two people in the room looked at her.

Feng Ming mocked in his heart: Are you going out to die? There is really no self-knowledge at all.

He put on his worried face: "But it's too dangerous to go out."

Chen Huihui actually regretted after she said it. After another thought, she didn't necessarily have to go out. But if she did nothing like this, she would definitely not see the sun tomorrow.

"No, I don't want to stay any longer." She will be tortured to madness. The thing that was more tormenting and uncomfortable than death, was waiting for death itself.

Since Chen Huihui insisted, no one can stop her.

Xie Chian: "......" According to his previous experiences, if he didn't go with Chen Huihui, her death was, 100% certain.

He sighed slightly: "Then I will go with you."

Chen Huihui let out a sigh of relief.

If Xie Chian didn't say that, she really didn't know what she'll end up doing. She might not have the courage to take another step as soon as she left the door of the music classroom...

Feng Ming also hurriedly said: "Take me with you."

Xie Chian refused: "No. We are strangers who met by chance, let's say farewell here."

Feng Ming acted hurt and said: "But you promised to bring me yesterday."

"I always speak words that doesn't count."

"..." He had never seen such a shameless person.

"You ate my cake."

"I gave a bottle of yogurt."

Feng Ming drank that bottle of yogurt. He couldn't refute this.

Feng Ming: Ah, so angry.

Xie Chian and Chen Huihui left. It was as if they had never been here.

The frustration on Feng Ming's face faded a little. He gradually became interested.

"He really has a heart of stone." Feng Ming laughed lightly.


Xie Chian gave Chen Huihui the utility knife: "Take it to defend yourself."

He now had two javelins and a hammer as weapons. He wasn't short of a utility knife.

Chen Huihui was taken aback. She carefully put the utility knife in her arms.

Xie Chian was a slender and thin boy with a big backpack. In addition, Chen Huihui was a girl who shrank when she looked at the five scums who fought them. They really were two living targets.

They were being stared at again.

Xie Chian no longer knew how many times he was targeted for robbery. He was getting impatient.

No matter how good-tempered people were, they couldn't stand it if trouble comes to their door one after another. To add, Xie Chian had a natural bad temperament, which was even a little stubborn. But due to certain things, he had managed to become so calm.

The harmless appearance of humans and animals wouldn't only make people let their guard down against you. It also made people think that you were very easy to bully.

There were endless troubles. One after another, people came up and fought them. After a long time, they had no energy to be consumed left.

Xie Chian was aware that another group of people had been quietly following behind him. He looked disgusted of this. He simply threw the backpack on the ground and said coldly: "Stop following. You guys go directly together. See me make a detour afterwards, understand?"

An extremely inconsistent thing with his handsome appearance was his extremely arrogant and reckless speech.

The swollen backpack was randomly thrown to the ground. It was like a seductive piece of cheese which exudes a fatal attraction to people.

Soon, more than 20 students gathered around and approached them step by step.

Xie Chian glanced roughly. He snorted: "One vs. twenty, it's okay."

He didn't take a weapon, so he joined the fight with his bare hands.

Before a boy could react, he was punched to the ground. Seeing this, the others also swarmed together.

Twenty vs. one, Xie Chian could do this with ease.

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