Chapter 40

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Feng Ming suddenly revealed an expression of loss.

“I was hasty,” he said sadly.

Also, in such a situation, who would easily believe a stranger?

The boy had a delicate and beautiful appearance, as pure and good-hearted as the neighbor’s younger brother. He bowed his head and showed disappointment. It easily aroused the sympathy of others, thus easily changing their minds.

It was a pity that Liang Yifei was only following Xie-ge’s lead, and Chen Huihui had no right to speak for she was also rescued, because Xie Chian was a killer of emotion.

The three people who should have cooperated with Feng Ming’s performance ignored it.

Feng Ming covered his face with the music score, concealing his eager anticipation. He felt the blood all over his body boiling, clamoring to kill this well-matched opponent. He wanted to see the calmness of the boy’s eyes being broken, showing a look of despair and fear. That must be very beautiful.

That would definitely be his most perfect artwork.

It was really challenging.

As the sun began to sink, Xie Chian propped up one leg and used his arm as a pillow supporting his head. He was a little sleepy.

Liang Yifei closed the door and locked it. He spent his time together with Chen Huihui. They didn’t expect that Xie Chian could be so careless. At this time, he could still sleep. Not to mention that there was a stranger present in the room.

Although the boy looked harmless.

But Xie-ge had an innocent appearance! Wasn’t his combat power able to explode things?

They were nervous here. They looked at Feng Ming, as he was another one who also fell asleep on the piano cover unsuspectingly.

…Were good looks directly proportional to boldness?


Tong Yihui hid in the trash can after eating the bread carelessly, and then he sneaked back to the small supermarket.

He didn’t know where Teacher Deng was now. After thinking about it, he could only look for her here first.

All the way, he hid here and there. He was cautious, for he feared being spotted.

Fortunately, he arrived safely in the end.

There were no people in the small supermarket. Tong Yihui looked around and walked to the inside while crouching.

It could be seen that the warehouse door had been pounded hard. There were deep marks on the door panel, but it was still stubbornly holding on.

A half-assed project had a victory over a crowd on the campus.

Teacher Deng was not here.

Tong Yihui was about to leave disappointedly when conversing voices were suddenly heard outside.

Someone came in.

Tong Yihui squatted down and hid behind a shelf, using those messy boxes to block him from view.

The people who came in were the vice-principal and Teacher Wang.

Teacher Wang was the teaching director of the third year, so Tong Yihui didn’t know her. However, Tong Yihui was familiar with the voice of the vice-principal who spoke under the national flag every other day.

“Did you really bring the key?”

“Here, it’s on me.”

“Let’s reach an agreement first, opening the door can wait. Give me half of the contents.”

“I know, I know, you have said this several times?”

“I’m still worried about your family’s wife. You’ll give me her share, can she just forget it? Won’t she come to me and snatch it?”

“Don’t worry, she can’t settle the account with you.”

“What do you mean?”

The vice-principal looked around and lowered his voice: “She’s dead.”

“Dead?!” The woman’s tone rose sharply, “How did she die?”

The two walked as they talked. Tong Yihui watched them closely through the gap in the shelf, squatting and moving away as the two moved. As he saw that they were about to reach the shelf where he hid, Tong Yihui quickly stood up slightly. He crouched towards another shelf.

The next second, a pair of high-heeled shoes stopped in the place where Tong Yihui had been.

He was almost discovered.

Tong Yihui’s heart pounded. He forced himself to calm down and then began to think about what they had meant.

Dead? Who had died? They mentioned the key, and the woman said your family’s wife, could it be––

Tong Yihui’s eyes widened suddenly.

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