The other man steps aside, glancing between Gardner and Holiday, and clears his throat. He introduces himself, "Devon Lewis, sir. Um, her treatment should include subliminal messaging in her pod during her sleep, and a serum in her nightly IV meant to make her more docile, suggestible, and help with milk production. Her meals would be grass-based and full of artificial vitamins designed to help her gain weight in the desired areas, like her breasts, thighs, and uh, buttocks. They're also meant to complement the effects of the serum and help stimulate, or rather, destimulate, her brain. I would assume, based on how low her OSS scores were, that you initially started with double the regular dose in all areas. By now, you might've gone to triple, but that's up to her handler's discretion."

Tommy nods. "Very nice, Lewis. Anyone else have something to add?"

Holiday speaks up. "Lewis forgot to mention her hormone injections, the ones you just gave her. We watched you do two shots, both at a full milliliter. Like he said, that's twice the regular dosage."

"Yes, that's right. Gardner, what's the last part of Essie's plan your peers forgetting?" Tommy asks, boring into Gardner's slack face.

"Aside from drugs, she's in daily training to test the results of her subliminal messaging and to further alter her mind. If she were an ordinary specimen, she'd be on the last of her videos, probably on set twelve or thirteen. Since she's Shaw's pet project, I'm assuming she's got her own personalized regimen." Gardner doesn't blink as he keeps Tommy's eyes in his own grasp.

"You'd be right on the money," Tommy says, though he doesn't smile. "Essie's got an individualized series, recorded by Mr. Shaw himself. It's proven to be much more effective than any attempts to give her the generic set, and she's accustomed to Mr. Shaw's voice, pacing, and specific induction. At this point, Essie's picked up most commands necessary and follows through on initial prompting. Who here has memorized the basic vocab you'll need as a member of Shaw Farms?"

All three put their hands up.

Tommy slaps Lewis on the shoulder. "Let's see what you've got."

Lewis immediately steps forward, as the others press themselves to the far wall of Essie's cramped room. They assume silence to keep distractions to a minimum.

Lewis doesn't squat to Essie's level, or wait for her to acknowledge him. Yet, his voice is soft and caring as he orders, "Essie, down."

Essie looks up at him with wide, brown eyes. She tentatively pushes her empty plate aside puts herself on all fours once again, this time leaving her clothing intact.

Tommy murmurs something appreciative at Lewis' back.

Lewis says, "Essie, open wide."

Her mouth falls and her tongue lolls out. A small, small part of her at the back of her throat remembers that this is embarrassing, degrading, but it's become too tiny to voice it.

"Essie, speak."

Essie giggles as a wave of ticklish energy shivers its way up her spine.

Tommy interjects, "Notice how EMT didn't moo, as intended by that command. Why not?"

Holiday answers, "Because her training is not complete. Your cows only moo once they're finished."

Tommy nods. "Yes. And while we knew this project would take longer than most, Shaw is getting restless. We want results we can be proud of, not something half-finished. And today, that's your job."

Holiday and Lewis glance between each other while Gardner stands squarely assured of himself.

"We've been going about the traditional methods, albeit by a slightly more intense route," Tommy continues. "And as far as commands, weight, and follow-through, EMT is plenty prepared to join the herd and allow the rest of her processing to occur with the general population. It's that final acceptance we're struggling with."

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