Chapter 47: What gave it away?

Start from the beginning

"I don't know what games you are playing Cheng..." Lei said. "and if I have to be honest? I don't care. But you need to understand a thing." Lei continued in a serious tone as Cheng raised his eyebrows in question. "Meiling will never EVER be your wife. You will have to torn me apart and then burn me to ashes before you will even get the chance to get married to her. Because, no matter what you will always be the same guy who always bullied Mei, who always made her trip and fall, who always thought it was fun to torture her." 

Lei was panting angry as he was pouring his frustration for the man in front of him, while Cheng was staying still, a calm expression on his face. A chuckle was soon heard and when Lei looked confused at Cheng, the older guy spoke. 

"That? Might be true...or not. You already made your opinion of me." Cheng said and then a smirk appeared on his face. "But how about we let Mei decide what kind of person I am." Cheng said as he took a step back.

Lei was surprised by his words. He knew Meiling was still holding her guard up around Cheng and around all his antics.... he knew Meiling didn't truly or fully forgave the He heir for everything...he had no reason to doubt the fact that he might be right. But if all that was true... then why was he feeling...threatened? Was it because Meiling and Cheng started to spend more time together? Was it because those two got closer? Lei didn't know. But he didn't like the fact he was doubting his own believes... especially in front of this man.

When Cheng saw the violinist so lost in his thoughts, he smirked. He made him doubt himself. He made him think he doesn't truly have the upper, when in fact, he truly didn't. Cheng knew how to play with people's minds... and even though it wasn't the best technique, he wasn't going to let anyone ruin his plan.

"Well..." Cheng started as he put his hand on Lei's shoulder. "It was good talking with you, Lei... but I have something important to do. So, I will see you around." He said as he patted Lei's shoulder and walked away.

Lei stayed still, watching after the happy man that was walking away from him. At that moment, even the way Cheng walked was irritating for the violinist. And his frustration and irritation level were getting high once their conversation started to play all over again in Lei's head.


"Alright. I'm done. Why are you making that face?" Meizou asked looking at Lei, waking the later from his thoughts.

"What face?" Lei asked confused.

"That face." Meizou said as he tried to imitate the violinist. "You look like someone who is going to kill somebody." He continued.

"Maybe I wil..." Lei mumbled under his breath.

"What?" Meizou asked confused.

"I said you're exaggerating. I clearly don't look like that." Lei snapped.

"You do." Ximen said from beside Lei. The violinist was about to deny it once again when he got cut off.

"The guys are right." Ah Si spoke and Lei turned to his friend, surprised. "You look exactly like Meiling, that time when I took her lucky ribbon. Damn, I am still lucky she didn't poke my eyes out." Ah Si chuckled to himself as Lei just rolled his eyes.

"Lei..." Ximen called. "What is happening? It's not like you to get so irritated." Ximen noticed and the others nodded. The boys were right. Lei wasn't the type of person to have emotions wrote so clear on his face. In fact, his face was always blank, people hardly knew what he was thinking or feeling.

And Lei felt himself getting more irritated thinking how easily Cheng got to him. He sighed when he saw the confused expressions on his friends' faces.

"The truth is-" He got interrupted when everyone's phone dinged signaling a notification. The boys opened their phones and read the notification, only for later on all of them to look at each other while people in the cafeteria started to hurry to leave.

"Ah Si?" Meizou asked confused as he noticed the agry expression on his best friend's face.

"If he's doing what I think he is doing...then I'm going to end him." Ah Si said sternly as he got up and without letting the others react, he sprinted out of the cafeteria towards the music building. The other boys sighed as they got up and run after their friend. The article on the college webpage truly got everyone trhilled.

The famous businessman, He Cheng, a star in London for his incredible piano skills and intelligence, dropped by Mingde University today to declare his love. It seems that a mysterious girl from our university caught his attention, and even more important, his heart. Mr. He informed that he waited for a long time the moment to confess his feelings and that the girl he is searching for is going to come for sure. In fact, he informed that he has a thing for ballerinas. Are you all thinking what I might be thinking? Can it be the ballerina star, Daoming Meiling, the goddess of dancing, be the mysterious girl He Cheng is admiring so much? Come and find out in the big amphitheater in the music building.

Well, I didn't see that one coming. Another chapter, another drama for you guys. I don't even know what to say about this. What is Cheng going to do? Is Meiling the girl he is talking about? What plan does Cheng have? If the confession is for Meiling, do you think she will accept it? Or will she reject it? What will Ah Si do? So many questions, and all of them will be answered this Friday. So, stay tuned.

P.S. I'm sorry for the short chapter! Guys I started my courses at my college, and I am TRYING not to fall back with the lessons. I can promise you that the next chapter will be this Friday, but after that I don't know when I will be able to post. So, pay attention to my posts. Love you all! <3 Also...the next chapter will have drama! Bye! :*

Next Chater Spoiler: "Can you find in your heart the strength to forgive me and accept my feelings?"

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