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Q(Lei): When will you man up and face your feelings for Meiling?

Lei: I know Ming for a really long time, and I can tell she knows me better than I know myself. We were always the best of friends and I don't see any good reason for me to come and ruin the best thing that we both have. 

Q(Meiling): Why did you fell for Lei? Was it his personality or was there a specific moment?

Meiling: So, as most of you know, me and Lei met due to rash circumstances, if I can say that. He was born with a slighter version of autism, and that was one of the reasons why it was so hard for him to make any friends. Some boys were bullying him, and when I saw it, I knew I couldn't stay aside and watch, so I helped him. At first I thought he was just some weak boy that I won't meet again, but after those boys left, I felt kind of bad for him. As days passed I found out my brother and Lei were friends and what surprised me about Lei was also the fact he wasn't afraid of us. As everybody knew, the kids from my family aren't the most friendly people you will meet. We are spoiled, arrogant, harsh, aggressive, impulsive, we don't take no for an answer and what we say it goes. Ah Si was never able to make friends due to his authoritative personality, and I couldn't make friends due to my way of thinking: nobody is good enough to become friends with one of the Daoming heirs. And because of that, people usually avoided us. Lei wasn't like that. In fact, no matter how rude or angry we were, he never once scolded us, or blamed us for our bad temper or personalities. I must admit, I was intrigued at first, and I started to think that maybe he is doing that because we are rich and he will use any opportunity to get money from us in the future. I interrogated him once about this problem, without my brother knowing, and Lei was never interested in our wealth. With time, I understood hardly, me and my brother finally had a friend that was true and wasn't afraid of us or just wanted to use us. And with time, after spending more and more time together....I don't know...it just happened. At first it was just a flirty game...but it got real, somehow.

Q(Cheng): Why were you so mean to Mei for all this time? Did you have a crush on her?

Cheng: Me? A crush on Daoming Meiling? I think you must have hit your head or something.

Xiaozi: He was jealous of her.

Cheng: XIAOZI!

Xiaozi: What? It's true. So guys, before Meiling came to our mansion in London for the first time, our parents informed us about her stay. When she arrived, my brother was doing his lessons with his math teacher at home. The teacher asked Cheng to solve a really hard problem. Meiling saw the problem by accident and somehow she solved it so fast that even the teacher was impressed by her. And of course, it was normal for him to be surprised, giving the fact that Meiling is 4 years younger than Cheng. When my parents heard about that they started to praise her about her brain, and of course they also praised her about her grace, manners, and so much more.

Cheng *folding his arms*: Of course, the praises about her didn't stop even though she wasn't staying with us anymore. And the best part, my parents started to compare me with her. Imagine! Me, being compared with a girl who is 4 years younger than me just because she solved a math problem before me. At some point I got so mad and irritated that I decided: maybe if my parents will see that she is not as perfect as she seems, they will stop with all the praises. After years, it started to become an habit for me and Meiling to bicker and fight.

Q(Lei): What is it going to take for you to see once you lose her she's not coming back?

Lei: Trust me, whatever the future might bring, I promised myself I won't make the same mistakes with Meiling as I did with Jing.

Q(Ah Si): Will you be standing by your sister no matter what happens?

Ah Si: Is that even a question? Look, I know people saw us bickering and fighting (verbally and physically) a lot, but by the end of the day I know she will always have my back and she knows I have hers. I will always protect my little sister, no matter what the future brings. I am not doing that out of guilt because of the stupid things I did when I was younger, but I am doing this because I am her big brother and I care about Meiling. As for the question you put, my answer is: As long as my sister is healthy and happy, then yes. I am willing to accept anything, just to see her smile.

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