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Anger continued to boom in him even as he stopped at the entrance of the huge empire building that could have been his; and gave his keys to the valor who rushed towards him with a big grin plastered on his boy-ish face as he held the door of the car open for Nick to get out and help drive his car to the underground parking lot.

He continued to simmer as he made his way to the elevator and up to the first floor. If anyone told him that he was actually going to step foot in here again, he'd have sued such a one; it'd been almost six years since he'd stepped foot in here and the cheerful greetings and admirable gawks and stares he received from the staffs who were very much surprised to see him after so long, didn't help to alleviate the anger and bizzare emotions flowing through him.

" Is he in?". Nick asked the heavily made up  pretty receptionist with soft cascading golden hair which she held straight down her back; he annoyingly noted her blood red lipstick was enough for five mouths.

She nodded, a bright blush quickly forming on her chubby cheeks, but then again, he couldn't be too sure as a result of the too much make-up around her cheek. " Do you want me to announce your presence sir?".

" No. I'll find my way". His reply was almost a grunt as he spun on his heel and walked towards the door reading ' Eric Russell - CEO ' in bold letters.

Pushing the door open without giving in to the courtesy of knocking first, his eyes scanned the really big office. Things really had changed, his father's office not excluded. It looked so much like his, but much bigger and with brighter colours.

A whiff of his father's cologne drifted to his nose and a memory of his sweet mother came flowing in; that cologne was all too familiar, his mother had always bought that particular brand and type of cologne for his father when she was still alive, looks like his father didn't do away with that aspect.

In the middle of the office, sitted on one of the porshe comfy looking cream coloured sofas was his father in a navy blue suit, a frown on his still handsome but now older face as he bent over the glass table, sorting out some files with Isabella.

Isabella had been his father's secretary for as long as he could remember, she was a tall slender blonde in her late thirties with a smiling brown doe's eyes and a very likeable personality.

Now, seeing them seated so close and bent together over the files displayed on the table, totally oblivious of his presence, anger erupted in him as his mind began to paint foul images and thoughts.

His mind began to place bits and pieces together right at that moment, he remembered the amount of time his dad spent with his secretary and how his dad wasn't there when his mum actually needed him the most, because he always had to be at the office.

Was his father having an affair with his secretary?.

As though sensing another presence in the room, his father looked up and his mouth curved into a smile as they met his.

" Nick, son. What a surprise". The surprise in his father's voice was much too obvious, he hadn't expected to see his son, at least not in his office.

Still remaining on the spot beside the door and ignoring his father's show of excitement, he gave Isabella a tight smile. " Could you excuse us?".
Correcting himself with a more strained smile and pocketing his hands, he looked her straight in the eye. " No. I mean excuse us".

He noticed the tensed and uneasy exchange of glances between boss and secretary.

After his father nodded in affirmation, Isabella smiled smoothly masking her confusion and unease. " Do you want coffee?". When he didn't reply but kept staring her in the face, she lowered her gaze with nervousness and....was that guilt?. " Okay then, but if you need anything, I'm at your service. Please excuse me".

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