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Nick walked past her to get some milk from the fridge, he was pretty stressed and a cup of milk always helped calm him down. After pouring himself a cup, he rested against the island and watched as Samantha took the pizza out from the microwave. Yup, they'd both been friends coupled with his brothers when they were young, gone through the same middle school, high school and even college, but he just couldn't give her what she wanted.....which was loving her.

She'd been of great help to him; she'd been there through out the time he'd lost his mom, she'd helped him stand on his feet again and move ahead with life, but all through, he'd only taken her as a strings attached, if only she could see.

" Hey ". Her voice drew him out of his thoughts and he saw her already sitted on one of the stools around the island. " Come on".

He pushed himself slowly from the island and sat across from her, letting her place a slice of pizza on a plate for him, he took a bite. " Mmm.... this is good".

She laughed as she took a bite herself. " It's been so long since we all sat down to have pizza and movie night. Everyone's been busy".

" You should get yourself a man so you won't have to worry about I and my brothers". He said stylish, deliberately not looking at her and paying his pizza far too much attention.

The smile on her face faded and she laid her half eaten slice on her plate. " Should I?".

" Yeah you should". He looked up to see the smile gone from her face and he smiled to lighten up the mood. " You aren't getting younger you know".

" Stop sounding like my mom". She retorted. " But what about you, you aren't getting younger too".

He paused in chewing, he had no intention of telling her that love was no way in his dictionary and that he wasn't looking forward to it. " Sam, I'm a man. I have as much days as I want".

She looked away. " I'm not in a hurry".

" And why is that, you always wanted to marry first when we were little, remember?".

" I know. I'm still waiting....for him, I guess he isn't ready yet". When she looked at him with those sad eyes, he suddenly felt pity for her; probably pity was boldly written all over his face because she smiled quickly and picked up her pizza. " I'm pathetic right?".Not knowing what else to say, he shook his head and she smiled again. " I'm sure he'll come around, he has so much going on at the moment. I'll just wait till he's ready".

Looking down at the pizza in his hands, he suddenly losed appetite and dropped it gently on his plate. She still wasn't that he knew he was the one she liked all along, and suddenly he wished she'd just like Nathan or probably Noah. He really wanted to tell her that even if he finally became ready, it couldn't be her; she was like a little sister to him and he'd never for once felt any reaction or had any thoughts whatsoever towards her...... maybe he should just let her know the truth now, he couldn't afford getting her hurt because of him at the end just because he'd procrastinated.

He was about to talk when she interrupted him. " You know the project our company is hosting?".

He frowned. " Yeah". Who didn't know the hotel and casino construction project Arisek Limited were about to embark on, it was gonna be the biggest buildings in Chicago.

She flipped her hair and their eyes met. " How about we award the contract to your company?".

He smiled slightly; of course that'd be a dream come true for him, but he didn't show it, he didn't know what she was up to. " And why would you do that?".

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