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Maddie sat back in her chair and massaged her cramped fingers to help the flow of blood in her fingers. Nick had made sure he kept her busy through out and he'd made sure she talked only when she didn't understand somethings in the files he had given her to work on.

She did have an office but not a private one. Her office was inside his office, infact, it was directly facing him and he'd told her to leave the door wide open so he could watch her every move; she'd rolled her eyes at that.

She glanced at him from her office, he had a frown on his handsome face as he typed on his computer, glancing continuously at his laptop and some files on his table.

Yup. Even with that frown on his face, he looked really handsome. Today, their hands had touched countless times when she'd gone to his desk to give him some files to cross-check. And during those times, her heart had pounded so fast that she felt if they touched again, she was gonna explode.

She watched him twitch his mouth as he typed and her stomach knotted into a knot as something sprang up inside of her. Dropping her gaze down to his chest, she swallowed. He had gotten rid of his suit and sagged his tie a little. She could see the muscle of his chest and arms straining against his shirt and she wished more than anything to run her hands and mouth over them.

His big hands rippling with muscles cried out power and strength taking her mind back to when he had carried her at the beach; she'd felt like that was where she was meant to be and she'd also felt safe. She licked her lip slowly as she imagined his big hands over her body, taunting and carressing till she could take no more.

Raising her gaze back to his face, she chocked when she saw him staring at her with a devilish grin on his face and she coughed. Fuck!.

In other not to look so shocked, she pretended she was looking for something in her drawers.

"Looking for something?" Nick asked with a tone that says he knew what she was at.

She stopped her drama and looked at him, her mouth opened but no words were forth coming. Her eyes landed on a file she needed to re-print on her table. "Um. No........ I mean yes". She took the file and walked to the door. "I'll just go work on this". And she was out.

She leaned her back against the door and heaved a sigh she didn't know she had been holding. That was really close. She knew he had caught her in the act and she hit herself on the head; why couldn't she just keep her eyes, she had even licked her lip. She groaned and pushed herself away from the door towards Jenny's desk.

She found her clearing up her desk. "Hey, Jenny".

"Hey. Aren't you going home, it's late already". Jenny asked when she saw her.

"Is it?".

"Yup". She glanced at the clock on her desk. "This is five minutes to eight".

Maddie groaned as she placed her head on the desk; she hadn't realised it was already that late but did it matter, she had to leave when her badass boss leaves. "Great. Just great".

"What's wrong?".

"I can't leave until he's done".


"It's an order".

Jenny laughed and stopped just as soon as she started. "Really?. Well, goodluck to you then. I'll make sure I send you my 'goodnight' when I'm going to bed tonight".

Maddie smiled tiredly. "Make sure you do. It's gonna help".

Jenny noticed the file she was holding. "What do you have there?".

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