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A/N: Pleeaassee🙏🙏🙏!!!!! If you guys haven't  voted for any of my previous chapters, please make sure to do so before reading further and don't forget to follow me too.
Love y'all and happy reading💗💗💗


" Here ". Anna handed her a cup of coffee which she collected with a slight nod and then leaning forward on the bright yellow sofa, she took a sip and sighed tiredly as she let the creamy taste take away a bit of the hurt and pain she was feeling at the moment.

They were both back at her mother's house after the simple funeral rites they'd given her; she didn't have any relations apart from her mother, so there had been no one to attend the funeral other than she, Anna and the priest. Her mother had been abandoned by her family when she'd gotten pregnant and eloped with her dad, so there wasn't much to do. The priest had done the necessary rites and the funeral was over in less than half an hour.

That alone was enough to make her sad, she hadn't planned anything of this sought for her mother, though she'd known all funerals to be solemn, but her mother's funeral was just too solemn and quite. Standing right in front of her mother's grave, she couldn't find the strength to cry anymore, she'd watched without the right state of emotions to express herself as the coffin was lowered into the ground and she'd told her mother her final goodbye by dropping a red rose on her freshly dug grave and leaving without even as much as a backward glance; Chicago wasn't just the right place for her.

Bend foward in her seat with her hands stretched out on her laps, gripping her coffee cup, she closed her eyes.

" What are you gonna do now?" Anna's soft voice said from the kitchen doorway as she tried to balance a plate of chocolate chip cookies which she'd quickly made in one hand and her mug of coffee in the other.

Maddie sighed as she let her jaws relax, she hadn't realised she'd been clenching it. " Zip out of here". She glanced up at Anna before focusing her attention again on her coffee. " That's my plan".

Anna placed the plate of cookies on the table, took one and gave it to her. " Tomorrow?".

" Tonight".

Anna looked up at her to see if she was kidding, but her set jaw and determined eyes was all she needed. " We can't leave tonight, we need to pack up and settle things at least. Maybe we should leave tomorrow".

" No, I'm leaving tonight". Maddie looked up at her best friend with sad eyes, her tone more gentle than before. " Anna, I can't stay here. This place, I mean all of Chicago..." She waved her hands to indicate. " ........It holds too much memories for me. Bad memories at that; my dad left us here in Chicago, your mom died, we all had to live from hand to mouth and now....." Her voice went to a whisper ", I lost my mother again".

Anna sat on the table, facing her and she held her hands firmly but comfortingly. " It's really been hard, I know, but it's just us now. Let's not make rash decisions".

She glanced down at their held hands before looking away. " It's for the best Anna. I can't just forgive myself for everything, I feel it's all my fault this happened. Look at me, I can't even cry anymore or find the right feelings to express myself".

" How many times do I have to tell you that it's not your fault?". Anna said more pleadingly. " Shit happens everytime. You don't also have to cry to express yourself, I understand how you feel".

Maddie bit her lower lip, weighing what she was actually about to say before spilling it out. " I saw my sister yesterday.....half sister"

Anna let go of her hand in shock. " What? Where?".

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